
Simple grammar checker program - optimal data structure

本文关键字:最佳 数据结构 程序 语法 检查 简单      更新时间:2023-09-26



[want, eat, I, hi, to]


hi I want to eat.



  if (input === the_answer) {
    msg = correct!
  } else {
    msg = 'Try again: ' + this.grammarRules(input, the_answer)); 
Language_System.prototype.grammarRules = function(input, answer) {
   var grammar_hints = {
     quest1 : {
       task1 : [
         'The subject, Bob, needs to be first',
         'The phrase is Hello there'
   var grammar_rules = {
     quest1 : {
       task1 : function (input, answer) {
         var error = -1;
         if (input[0] !== answer[0]) {
           error = 0;
         } else if (input.indexOf('hello') > input.indexOf('there')) {
           error = 1;
         return grammar_hints.quest1.task1[error];
  return grammar_rules.Lee.quest1.task1(input, answer);    




var quests = [
        name: 'Quest 1',
        tasks: [
                name: 'Task 1',
                solution: 'hi I want to eat',
                validators: [
                    validators.verbAfterNoun('want', 'I'),


var validators = {
    first: function (input, term) {
        if (input[0] !== term) {
            return 'The sentence needs to start with: ' + term;
    verbAfterNoun: function (input, verb, noun) {
        if (input.indexOf(verb) < input.indexOf(noun)) {
            return 'The verb, ' + verb + ', needs to come after the noun ' + noun;


// This is a factory method that applies the given callback (with the given arguments)
function makeValidator (fn) {
    return function inputFN () {
        var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
        return function validate (input) {
            return fn.apply(null, [input].concat(args));
// Apply the makeValidator() method on all the validators
for (var key in validators) {
    validators[key] = makeValidator(validators[key]);


// This method provides the generic validation framework for any task given any input
function validate (task, input) {
    var wordList = input.split(' ');
    if (input === task.solution) return {success: true, errors: []};
    var errors = [];
    task.validators.forEach(function (fn) {
        var error = fn(wordList);
        if (error) errors.push(error);
    return {success: false, errors: errors};


var task = quests[0].tasks[0];
console.log(validate(task, 'hi I want to eat'));
console.log(validate(task, 'I want to eat hi'));
console.log(validate(task, 'hi want I to eat'));
console.log(validate(task, 'want I to eat hi'));


// This is a factory method that applies the given callback (with the given arguments)
function makeValidator (fn) {
    return function inputFN () {
        var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
        return function validate (input) {
            return fn.apply(null, [input].concat(args));
var validators = {
    first: function (input, term) {
        if (input[0] !== term) {
            return 'The sentence needs to start with: ' + term;
    verbAfterNoun: function (input, verb, noun) {
        if (input.indexOf(verb) < input.indexOf(noun)) {
            return 'The verb, ' + verb + ', needs to come after the noun ' + noun;
// Apply the makeValidator() method on all the validators
for (var key in validators) {
    validators[key] = makeValidator(validators[key]);
var quests = [
        name: 'Quest 1',
        tasks: [
                name: 'Task 1',
                solution: 'hi I want to eat',
                validators: [
                    validators.verbAfterNoun('want', 'I'),
// This method provides the generic validation framework for any task given any input
function validate (task, input) {
    var wordList = input.split(' ');
    if (input === task.solution) return {success: true, errors: []};
    var errors = [];
    task.validators.forEach(function (fn) {
        var error = fn(wordList);
        if (error) errors.push(error);
    return {success: false, errors: errors};
function printTask (input) {
    var task = quests[0].tasks[0];
    var result = validate(task, input);
    document.body.innerHTML += '<div><b>checking:</b> ' + input + '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 4) + '</pre><hr />';
// Lets look at some examples
printTask('I want to eat hi');
printTask('hi want I to eat');
printTask('want I to eat hi');
printTask('hi I want to eat');