
Get the Width of Div and LIMIT the mySQL query according to no of elements?

本文关键字:mySQL 查询 元素 Div 获取      更新时间:2023-09-26


<li><img class='1'><img class='1'><img class='1'></li>
<li><img class='1'><img class='1'><img class='1'></li>


<script type='text/javascript'>
var screen_width = document.getElementById('div_1').offsetWidth();
var no_of_images =Math.round(screen_width/100);

我正在使用LIMIT查询从mysql数据库中获取图像。。我想把它限制为我使用var no_of_images得到的任何图像。但由于它们并不是将javascript变量集成到mysql查询中的直接规则。我想把它传递给PHP变量,然后在Mysql中使用它。但不幸的是,我不知道该怎么做。


//wait for the `document.ready` event to fire
$(function () {
    //cache the container element since it will be used later more than once
    //also get the width of the container and figure out how many 150px wide images can fit without being clipped
    //note that this does not take into consideration any padding/margin/border for the images
    var $container   = $('#div_1'),
        screen_width = $container.width(),
        no_of_images = Math.floor(screen_width / 150);
    //create an AJAX call to your server-side script to get the image HTML
        url  : '<URL>',
        type : 'get',//or 'post'
        data : { 'no_of_images' : no_of_images },//jQuery will handle data encoding if you pass it an object
        success : function (serverResponse) {
            //now the AJAX request has returned successfully so this fades the container out, replaces it's HTML with the server response and then fades back in
            $container.fadeOut(500, function () {
        //if an error occurs with the AJAX call this is how you handle it, you may just try to re-send the AJAX call
        error   : function () {
            alert('an error occured');



<script type='text/javascript'>
    var screen_width = document.getElementById('div_1').offsetWidth();
    var no_of_images =Math.round(width/100);
        type: "post",
        url: "script.php",
        data: "no_of_images="+no_of_images,
        success: function(){
            // do something
