
Private JS function, What is wrong with this?

本文关键字:怎么回事 JS 函数 私有      更新时间:2023-09-26
  1. 在构造函数中为对象编写公共函数有什么问题吗
  2. 在构造函数函数的原型链中添加函数有什么问题吗
  3. 替代方案
var obgect = function (constructorOptions) {
    var privateFunction1 = function (v1) {
        return 'You said: ' + v1;
    this.willHaveAccessToPrivate = function () {
        return 'This function will have access to privateFunction1(), but will I be on prototype chain?';
    obgect.prototype.anotherPublicFunction = function () {
        var s = privateFunction1('I have access to you.');
        return 'Adding on prototype from within the constructor.';
obgect.prototype = new Object();
obgect.prototype.outsidePublicFunction = function () {
    var s = privateFunction1('I will fail here because you are not accessible.');
    return 'Standard practice';
var instance = new obgect({
    'gurusWanted': true,
        'hurtsMyHead': true,
        'discouragesMe': false
var outside = instance.outsidePublicFunction(); // will fail here.
var anotherInside = instance.anotherPublicFunction(); // will work!





function Example(data) {
    var privateData = data;
    Example.prototype.doSomethingWithPrivateData = function() {
var e1 = new Example(1);
e1.doSomethingWithPrivateData(); // "1"
var e2 = new Example(2);
e2.doSomethingWithPrivateData(); // "2"


e1.doSomethingWithPrivateData(); // "2"







var Name = function() {
    var used = {};
    function Name() {
        var length, str;
        do {
            length = 5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
            str = "_";
            while (length--) {
                str += String.fromCharCode(32 + Math.floor(95 * Math.random()));
        while (used[str]);
        used[str] = true;
        return new String(str); // Since this is called via `new`, we have to return an object to override the default
    return Name;


// Nearly-private properties
// ***No `import` here (once the final form is determined, we'll probably be able to feature test for it)
var Foo = (function() {
    // Create a random string as our private property key
    var nifty = new Name();
    // Our constructor    
    function Foo() {
        // We can just assign here as normal
        this[nifty] = 42;
    // ***On ES5, make the property non-enumerable
    // (that's the default for properties created with
    // Object.defineProperty)
    if (Object.defineProperty) { // Only needed for ES3-compatibility
        Object.defineProperty(Foo.prototype, nifty, {
            writable: true
    // ***End change
    // Methods shared by all Foo instances
    Foo.prototype.method1 = function() {
        // This method has access to `nifty`, because it
        // closes over the private key
        console.log("Truly private nifty info: " + this[nifty]);
    Foo.prototype.method2 = function() {
        // Also has access, for the same reason
        console.log("Truly private nifty info: " + this[nifty]);
    return Foo;
var f = new Foo();
f.method1(); // Can use nifty!
f.method2(); // Can too! :-)
// Both `method1` and `method2` are *reused* by all `Foo` objects
