
How do I put all this 1200+ line custom javascript into a closure so there are no global vars?

本文关键字:一个 闭包 全局变量 javascript 1200+ 自定义      更新时间:2023-09-26



(function(window, $) {
   // your code here
}(window, jQuery));



  var closurevar=22;// will be available withint 
             // the function body but not outside
  console.log(closurevar);//will be 22
  globalVar=33;//not having the var keyword puts this
               // in global scope
  window.globalVar2=44;//more correct way to define global var
                       // jquery defines $ in this way.
console.log(closurevar);//will be undefined
// globalVar won't be available until document ready is executed
console.log(globalVar);// will be undefined but will be set after
                       // document.ready has executed