
referenceerror treasureHunter not defined?

本文关键字:treasureHunter 定义      更新时间:2023-09-26

所以我正在编程一个javascript程序,由于某种原因,我得到一个错误说:ReferenceError: treasureHunter未定义我在互联网上搜索了这个信息,但是尽管这个问题已经回答了很多次,但他们的答案并不适合代码中的问题。下面是代码:

// Sets a global variable for loot. Global variables exist outside functions or conditional statements. Local variables exist within those things.
global loot = 0;
// alert(loot);
// Creates a function called treasureHunter(). We don't put anything in the parenthesis, but we will later for other functions.
function treasureHunter() {
//Creates a local variable inside treasureHunter called treasureSuccess equal to Math.random(). Math.random is bult into JavaScript, and creates a random number between 0 and 1, e.g. .456 or .99. We use this to create excitement in an otherwise dull and boring existence.
var treasureSuccess = Math.random();
//Here we create a local variable called closedChest equal to the image that we want to pull down from the interwebs when we fail at getting loot. 
var closedChest = "<img src='https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/eb/c7/84/ebc784ae55857b1470767c4747eb0715.jpg' length='285px' width='285px'>";
//Here we create a local variable called openChest equal to the image that we want to call up when we succeed - YES!
var openChest = "<img src='https://slm-assets1.secondlife.com/assets/1545906/lightbox/e6cfd0355756301c0f6f6d666e75c3de.jpg?1277247329' length='285px' width='285px'>";
var dragon = "<img src='http://orig06.deviantart.net/dd94/f/2012/112/c/b/cb9da88db9660edea4746e95df8fa4ed-d4x7orn.jpg' length='285px' width='285px'>";
//Here we create a conditional statement that asks if the variable treasureSuccess is greater than 5. This is called a boolean operation, it can be answered yes or no. This will of course be random, since treasureSuccess is equal to Math.random() - see above. 
if (treasureSuccess > .5) {
//Here we tell the conditional statement what to do if it evaluates true, in other words, if Math.random() happens to be greater than .5. This will change the element using treasureChest, our DIV above in our HTML to the openChest variable, which is set to the image of an open chest. Go figure :) 
if (treasureSuccess > .9) {
//dragon time!!
document.getElementById("TreasureChest").innerHTML = dragon;
//dragon image
loot = 0;
//loot reset
document.getElementById("Loot").innerHTML = "You lost all your gold!";
else {
document.getElementById("TreasureChest").innerHTML = openChest;
//This adds 100 to the global variable loot, each time we are successful, or each time treasureSuccess is greater than .5
loot = loot + 100;
//This tells the loot ID selector to update, so we can see how much gold we've got. THis uses the updated value for loot, which is why it is written below the loot = loot +100 line.
document.getElementById("Loot").innerHTML = "You've got" + " " + loot + " " + " gold";
//waits 500 milliseconds
document.getElementById("TreasureChest").innerHTML = closedChest;
//reputs the picture
//this is the end of the conditional statement
//This tells the statement what to do if the conditional statement evaluates to false, or if treasureSuccess is less than .5. You get a chest slammed shut in your face son. 
else document.getElementById("TreasureChest").innerHTML = closedChest;
//this is the end of the function
I call it like this:
<div onclick="treasureHunter()" align="center" id="TreasureChest">
<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/eb/c7/84/ebc784ae55857b1470767c4747eb0715.jpg" length="285px" width="285px"> 



  • globalglobal loot = 0;中似乎不成立。更改为var或其他。
  • else document.getElementById("TreasureChest").innerHTML = closedChest;中的
  • else无效,因为没有相应的if。删除它或正确修复代码