
Populating HTML table with Javascript and retaining CSS style

本文关键字:保留 CSS 样式 Javascript 填充 HTML      更新时间:2023-09-26

到目前为止,我有下面的代码工作。我唯一的问题是,当表插入到父div中时,HTML表的相关样式没有被应用。解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么?我正在使用jQuery和jQuery mobile.

var tableBase = '<table data-role="table" id="score-table" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="ui-responsive table-stroke ui-table ui-table-reflow"><thead><tr><th data-priority="1">Event</th><th data-priority="2">Score</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
function buildTable(data) {
     var tableCopy = tableBase;
     data.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
         tableCopy = tableCopy + '<tr><td>' + element.event + '</td><td>'
            + element.points + '<td></tr>';
tableCopy = tableCopy + '</tbody></table>';
return tableCopy;



// Pages are lazily enhanced. We call page() on the page
// element to make sure it is always enhanced before we
// attempt to enhance the listview markup we just injected.
// Subsequent calls to page() are ignored since a page/widget
// can only be enhanced once.
// Enhance the listview we just injected.
$content.find( ":jqmData(role=listview)" ).listview();