
How to trace a computational error in JavaScript

本文关键字:跟踪 计算 错误 JavaScript      更新时间:2023-09-26





所以,我真的有两个问题:1 -我如何跟踪计算错误的位置,2 -任何人都能看到错误的修复吗?


<html lang="en">
<!-- This page asks the user to input a number to search for primes and returns a base-6 table with primes highlighted -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="keywords" content="prime numbers, prime, primes, prime twins">
<title>Prime Numbers</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* This function determines if a number is prime or not */
function isPrime(n) {
 if (isNaN(n) || !isFinite(n) || n%1 || n<2) return false; 
 if (n%2==0) return (n==2);
 if (n%3==0) return (n==3);
 var m=Math.sqrt(n);
 for (var i=5;i<=m;i+=6) {
  if (n%i==0)     return false;
  if (n%(i+2)==0) return false;
 return true;
/* This function creates the table and color codes the cells of prime numbers */
function tableCreate(X,Y){
    var numCheck = X;           /* assigns numCheck the value the user input for how many numbers are to be checked*/
    var numRow = numCheck/6;    /* assigns the value that will be used as the number of rows in the table. */
    var numCell = Y;            /* assigns the value that will be used in the table cell */
    var body = document.body;   /* assigns the value of the document body */
    var tbl  = document.createElement('table'); /* creates a table dynamically to be filled */
    var highlightColor = document.getElementById('highlight').value; /* assign the value of the color the user requested for highlighting primes */
        document.getElementById('tablearea').innerHTML='Please enter a number in arabic numerals.';
        return; /* if the user did not enter a number to check, the function will instruct the user to do so properly. */
    for(var i = 0; i < numRow; i++){ /*continues the loop until the proper number of rows have been dynamically filled */
        var tr = tbl.insertRow(-1); /* inserts a new row at the bottom */
        for(var j = 0; j < 6; j++){ /*continues the loop until all data cells in the row have been filled */
            if(i==numRow && j==6 || numCheck==(numCell + Y)-1){
            else {
                var td = tr.insertCell(-1); /* inserts a new data cell into the row */
                if(isPrime(numCell) == true){ /* calls the function isPrime to test if the number going into the data cell is a prime */
                    if(highlightColor == ''){
                    td.style.backgroundColor='yellow'; /* uses the color yellow to highlight a cell if the user failed to specify a color */
                    td.style.backgroundColor=highlightColor; /* uses the user's choice of color to highlight the cell if the number going in is prime */
                td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(numCell)); /* prints the number in the data cell */
                numCell++; /* increases the count of the number of numbers checked by 1 */
    document.getElementById('tablearea').innerHTML='';              /* clears any previous tables that were written */
    document.getElementById('tablearea').appendChild(tbl);          /* writes the new table */
    document.getElementById('backtotop').innerHTML="Back to top";   /* puts a 'back to top' link at the bottom */
    document.getElementById('backtotop').href="#top";               /* links the btt link to the top */
/* This function clears the tablearea when called */
function tableClear(){
<style type="text/css">
        background-image: url('primesbackground.png');
        width: 700px; 
        margin: auto; 
        text-align: center; 
        background-color: white;
        width: 50%; 
        border: 1px solid black; 
        background-color: gray; 
        position: relative;
        border: 1px solid black; 
        background-color: white;
        float: left; 
        width: 300px; 
        height: 100%; 
        margin: 10px; 
        display: inline-block;
        text-align: center; 
        display: inline-block;
<a id="top"></a>
<h1>Welcome to the Prime Number Table Generator.</h1>
    <div class="parameters">
        <form name="primes">
        <p style="text-align: center; margin: 10px">
        How many numbers would you like to check for primes?<br />
        <input type="text" id="nums"><br />
        What number would you like to use as a starting point?<br />
        <input type="text" id="startpoint"><br />
        What color would you like primes highlighted?<br />
        <input type="text" id="highlight"><br />
        <input type="button" value="Check'em!" onClick="tableCreate(document.primes.nums.value,document.primes.startpoint.value)">
        <input type="reset" onClick="tableClear()"><br />
        To suggest improvements to this site, please send an email to&nbsp;<a href="mailto:webmaster@primenumbertable.com">webmaster@primenumbertable.com</a>.<br />
    <div id="tablearea" class="tablearea">
    <!-- This area is filled by the function tableCreate() -->
    <p style="text-align: center; float: bottom"><a href="" id="backtotop"></a></p>



var numRow = numCheck/6;



if(i==numRow && j==6 || numCheck==(numCell + Y)-1){ 



var numRow = numCheck/6;

var numRow = parseInt(numCheck/6);

使用Google Chrome,您可以像这样在JavaScript中插入log: console.log("YOUR LOG");。然后,您可以进入开发人员工具(按F12),选择console选项卡查看日志。


if(i==numRow && j==6 || numCheck==(numCell + Y)-1){

Javascript将numCell解释为字符串,因此numCell + Y变成字符串连接。你应该强制Javascript执行整数计算来解决你的问题:

var count = parseInt(numCell) + parseInt(Y) - 1;
if(i==numRow && j==6 || numCheck==count){