在TextArea的自动大小上调整计算高度,理想地工作吗?(jsfiddle - updated)

Resize Calculated Height on AutoSize of TextArea, to work ideally? (jsfiddle - updated)

本文关键字:工作 理想 updated jsfiddle 高度 TextArea 计算 调整      更新时间:2023-09-26




$(document).on('keypress', '#expand-textarea', function (e) {
  if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 108) { // when the enter key is pressed
    console.log('keypress of enter on #expand-textarea..');
    var $appear = $('#appear');
    var $content = $('#content');
    var animateHeight = 0;
    var $expandTextarea = $('#expand-textarea');
    var textareaHeight = $expandTextarea.height(); // get the textarea height
    console.log('textareaHeight = ' + textareaHeight);
    appearHeight = $appear.height();    // to get the height of #appear
    animateHeight = appearHeight + textareaHeight;
    console.log('animateHeight = ' + animateHeight);
    $content.css({height: "calc(100% - "+ animateHeight +"px)"});


$("#view").on("click", "#header", function () {
  var $appear = $('#appear');
  var io = this.io ^= 1; // Toggler
  $appear.show();               // Temporarily show
  var animH = $appear.height(); // Get height and
  if(io) $appear.hide();        // fast hide.
  $('#content').animate({       // Animate content height
      height: (io?"-=":"+=")+animH
      step: function() {
        $(this).css("overflow-y", "scroll");
      complete : function(){
        var h = 88 + (io?animH:0); // header+footer = 88px
        $(this).css({height: "calc(100% - "+ h +"px)"});
  $appear.slideToggle();        // Now do it with animation


$(document).on('keypress', '#expand-textarea', function (e) {
  if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 108) { // when the enter key is pressed
    console.log('keypress of enter on #expand-textarea..');
    var $appear = $('#appear');
    var $content = $('#content');
    var animateHeight = 0;
    var $expandtextarea = $('#expand-textarea');//<--Cant hyphenate variables;
    var textareaHeight = $expandtextarea.height();//<--Missing ';' and cant hyphenate variables
        // get the textarea height
    console.log('textareaHeight = ' + textareaHeight);
    appearHeight = $appear.height();    // to get the height of #appear
    animateHeight = appearHeight + textareaHeight;
    console.log('animateHeight = ' + animateHeight);
    $content.css({height: "calc(100% - "+ animateHeight +"px)"})//<--Missing ';'