jQuery 在放入 cshtml 页面时失败,出现错误“ $(..)符咒不是一种功能”

jQuery fails when dropped into cshtml page with error " $(...) Charms is not a function"

本文关键字:符咒 功能 一种 错误 cshtml 失败 jQuery      更新时间:2023-09-26




Timestamp: 05/06/2013 13:46:56
Error: TypeError: $(...).charms is not a function
Source File: http://*l*o*c*a*l*h*o*s*t*:24349/assets/js/demo.js
Line: 29


• 将代码放在 cshtml 页面中的@section脚本中:

@section scripts {

• 切勿在 ASP.NET MVC 应用程序中对 url 进行硬编码。始终使用帮助程序(或推荐的捆绑包(:

• 确保在 _Layout.cshtml
的末尾没有 @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery")调用,因为这将包含两次 jQuery。

• 如果在your _Layout.cshtml末尾有一个用于自定义脚本的专用部分,如 @RenderSection("scripts", required: false) ,请确保已将自定义脚本放在该部分中(请注意,由于此 RenderSection 位于 DOM 的末尾,因此您不需要将脚本包装在 document.ready 事件中,因为当它执行时, DOM 已经加载(:

• 将脚本标记放在生成表单的分部视图本身中,它现在知道要将其绑定到哪个控件。

这是 cshtml 页面:

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<!-- I had to move a.trigger and active from stylex to here as links to plus & minus png did not work -->

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最后,这里是演示.js函数问题在第 29 行:

   // this is for the appbar-demo page
   if ($("#appbar-theme-select").length){
         var ui = $(this).val();
         if (ui != '')
               .removeClass("win-ui-light win-ui-dark")

   // style switcher 
   if ($("#win-theme-select").length){
         var css = $(this).val();
         if (css != '')

   $("#settings").click(function (e) {
      $('#charms').charms('showSection', 'theme-charms-section'); // LINE 29

   // listview demo
   $('#listview-grid-demo').on('click', '.mediumListIconTextItem', function(e){

   //$('#home-carousel').carousel({interval: 5000});

//function to append a new theme stylesheet with the new style changes
function updateCSS(css){
   $("head").append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="content/css/' + css +'.css">');
   if($("link[href*=metro-ui-]").size() > 1){

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
!function ($) {
      var $window = $(window)
      // Disable certain links in docs
      $('section [href^=#]').click(function (e) {
      // side bar
         offset: {
            top: function () { return $window.width() <= 980 ? 290 : 210 }
            , bottom: 270
      // make code pretty
      window.prettyPrint && prettyPrint()
      // add-ons
      $('.add-on :checkbox').on('click', function () {
         var $this = $(this)
            **, method = $this.attr('checked') ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'
      // add tipsies to grid for scaffolding
      if ($('#gridSystem').length) {
            selector: '.show-grid > div'
            , title: function () { return $(this).width() + 'px' }
      // tooltip demo
         selector: "a[rel=tooltip]"
      // popover demo
         .click(function(e) {
      // button state demo
         .click(function () {
            var btn = $(this)
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 3000)
      // carousel demo
      // javascript build logic
      var inputsComponent = $("#components.download input")
         , inputsPlugin = $("#plugins.download input")
         , inputsVariables = $("#variables.download input")
      // toggle all plugin checkboxes
      $('#components.download .toggle-all').on('click', function (e) {
         inputsComponent.attr('checked', !inputsComponent.is(':checked'))
      $('#plugins.download .toggle-all').on('click', function (e) {
         inputsPlugin.attr('checked', !inputsPlugin.is(':checked'))
      $('#variables.download .toggle-all').on('click', function (e) {
      // request built javascript
      $('.download-btn').on('click', function () {
         var css = $("#components.download input:checked")
               .map(function () { return this.value })
            , js = $("#plugins.download input:checked")
               .map(function () { return this.value })
            , vars = {}
            , img = ['glyphicons-halflings.png', 'glyphicons-halflings-white.png']
         $("#variables.download input")
            .each(function () {
               $(this).val() && (vars[ $(this).prev().text() ] = $(this).val())
            type: 'POST'
            , url: /'?dev/.test(window.location) ? 'http://*l*o*c*a*l*h*o*s*t*:3000' : 'http://bootstrap.herokuapp.com'
            , dataType: 'jsonpi'
            , params: {
               js: js
               , css: css
               , vars: vars
               , img: img
   // Modified from the original jsonpi https://github.com/benvinegar/jquery-jsonpi
   $.ajaxTransport('jsonpi', function(opts, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
      var url = opts.url;
      return {
         send: function(_, completeCallback) {
            var name = 'jQuery_iframe_' + jQuery.now()
               , iframe, form
            iframe = $('<iframe>')
               .attr('name', name)
            form = $('<form>')
               .attr('method', opts.type) // GET or POST
               .attr('action', url)
               .attr('target', name)
            $.each(opts.params, function(k, v) {
                  .attr('type', 'hidden')
                  .attr('name', k)
                  .attr('value', typeof v == 'string' ? v : JSON.stringify(v))

我不得不从页面中删除相当多的内容以满足代码部分中允许的字符限制; 不过,Metroui 背景颜色切换的所有内容都应该在那里。



