
Calculating an arc path in javascript

本文关键字:路径 计算 javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26




var interval = 100;
var currX = -82;    // Current x position
var currY = -342;   // Current y position
var destX = -750;   // Destination x position
var destY = -850;   // Destination y position
var currentDuration = 0;
var duration = 1800 * 1000;  // Duration
var $bg = $('#flight-wrapper');
var intbg = window.setInterval(function(){
    currentDuration += interval;
    var leftX = destX - currX;  // X pixels left
    var leftY = destY - currY;  // Y pixels left
    var leftDuration = duration - currentDuration;  // Duration left
    var tickX = leftX / leftDuration * interval;    // Pixel to offset
    var tickY = leftY / leftDuration * interval;    // Pixel to offset
    var newX = currX + tickX;
    var newY = currY + tickY;
    // Prevent it going further than the destination X & Y pixel
    currX = newX <= destX ? destX : newX;
    currY = newY <= destY ? destY : newY;
    if ( currX <= destX && currY <= destY ) {
        backgroundPosition: Math.floor(currX) + 'px ' + Math.floor(currY) + 'px'
}, interval);


给定点p = (x_t, y_t),即箭头在任何给定时间t的位置,您需要找出曲线在点p处的切线,这将告诉您箭头应该指向何处。