PaperJS drag and drop circle

PaperJS drag and drop circle

本文关键字:circle drop and drag PaperJS      更新时间:2023-09-26



<script type="text/paperscript" canvas="canvas">
        var path = null;
        var circles = [];
        // Mouse tool state
        var isDrawing = false;
        var draggingIndex = -1;
        function onMouseDrag(event) {
            // Maybe hit test to see if we are on top of a circle
            if (!isDrawing && circles.length > 0) {
                for (var ix = 0; ix < circles.length; ix++) {
                    if (circles[ix].contains(event.point)) {
                        draggingIndex = ix;
            // Should we be dragging something?
            if (draggingIndex > -1) {
                circles[draggingIndex].position = event.point;
            } else {
                 // We are drawing
                    path = new Path.Circle({
                        center: event.downPoint,
                        radius: (event.downPoint - event.point).length,
                        fillColor: null,
                        strokeColor: 'black',
                        strokeWidth: 10
                  isDrawing = true;
        function onMouseUp(event) {
            if (isDrawing) {
            // Reset the tool state
            isDrawing = false;
            draggingIndex = -1;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>