Chrome html5视频缓存.事件结束

chrome html5 video buffered.end event

本文关键字:事件 结束 缓存 视频 html5 Chrome      更新时间:2023-09-26


  1. 缓冲百分比停止在%50左右,但缓冲%100,

  2. 当页面刷新时,百分比保持在%0,但它继续缓冲。


function loaded()
            var v = document.getElementById('myVideo');
            var r = v.buffered;
            var total = v.duration;
            var current=v.currentTime;
            var start = r.start(0);
                    var end = r.end(0); 
            var downloadPercent= Math.round((end / total)*100)
            $("#loadProgress").css('width',downloadPercent+ '%');
            $('#myVideo').bind('progress', function() 



myVideoTag = document.getElementById('video');
myVideoTag.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
    var percent = null;
    // FF4+, Chrome
    if (myVideoTag && myVideoTag.buffered && myVideoTag.buffered.length > 0 && myVideoTag.buffered.end && myVideoTag.duration) {
        percent = myVideoTag.buffered.end(0) / myVideoTag.duration;
    // Some browsers (e.g., FF3.6 and Safari 5) cannot calculate target.bufferered.end()
    // to be anything other than 0. If the byte count is available we use this instead.
    // Browsers that support the else if do not seem to have the bufferedBytes value and
    // should skip to there. Tested in Safari 5, Webkit head, FF3.6, Chrome 6, IE 7/8.
    else if (myVideoTag && myVideoTag.bytesTotal != undefined && myVideoTag.bytesTotal > 0 && myVideoTag.bufferedBytes != undefined) {
        percent = myVideoTag.bufferedBytes / myVideoTag.bytesTotal;
    if (percent !== null) {
        percent = 100 * Math.min(1, Math.max(0, percent));
        // ... do something with var percent here (e.g. update the progress bar)
}, false);

…从mediaelement.js复制的注释,以及代码,但调整为更容易显示在这里。我省略了Firefox 3.0的代码,因为它不太相关。

PS: thanks to John Dyer for mejs - great stuff;)