
smooth scroll to top not working smoothly

本文关键字:工作 顶部 滚动 平滑      更新时间:2023-09-26


$(function() {
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<a name="top" id="top"></a>
<div style="height:2000px">
  a hell lot of content here
<a href="#top">back to top</a>



$(function() {
        $('a[href*=#]:not([href=#])').click(function() {
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<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="top">Some things here</div> .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here .Some things here ..<a href="#top">TOP</a>
