
How do I replace global RegExp matches with object literal values in JavaScript

本文关键字:替换 全局 RegExp 匹配 文字 对象 何用 JavaScript      更新时间:2023-09-26


var dict =
var selector = ("'$greetings' '$friend'").replace(/'$([^']+)/g, dict[RegExp.$1])



var selector = ("'$greetings' '$friend'").replace(/'$([^']+)/g, expand)
function expand(match, offset, fullstring)
  var dict =


/* Get all anchors with the javascript: URI scheme */
$("a[href*='javascript']").each(function () {
/* Replace the javascript: URI with the URL within it */
function javascriptURL(anchor) {
    var hyperlink = $(anchor).attr("href").replace(/./g, replacer).substring(1).replace(/'/g, "");
    /* Class name for new window binding */
    var newWindow = "extWin";
        "href": hyperlink,
        "class": newWindow
/* Grab all text between window.open() parens */
function replacer(match, offset, fullstring) {
    var tokens = {
        "(": true,
        ",": false,
        ";": false
    /* Consume everything after the left paren */  
    if (tokens[match] === true) {
        replacer.state = true
    /* Discard everything after the first comma; also reset after a semicolon */
    if (tokens[match] === false) {
        replacer.state = false
    /* Continue consuming or discarding otherwise */    
    if (tokens[match] === undefined) {
        replacer.state = replacer.state;
    /* Return the consumed string or an empty string depending on the tokenizer state */
    if (replacer.state === true) {
        return match
    else {
        return "";

function replace(pattern:*, repl:Object):String



  • 字符串对象:替换方法- Adobe ActionScript®3 (AS3) API参考

  • ECMAScript 6新增正则表达式特性

  • Regexp.prototype.replace

  • 使用状态机解析ColdFusion中的标记化数据

  • JavaScript:一个基于状态机的词法分析器+递归下降(LL(k))语法分析器+抽象语法树(AST) +生成器- bl.ocks.org

  • 词法分析程序/词法分析程序。go at master·eczarny/lexer·GitHub

  • GNU C预处理器内部:Lexer