
Local Storage to hold form N pages data until final submit

本文关键字:数据 直到最后 提交 存储 保存 表单      更新时间:2023-09-26






注1: jsFiddle只是为了显示我的代码,不一定是jsFiddle环境中的工作示例。如果您将代码复制到本地环境中,您应该能够访问console.log以查看是否/哪些内容被保存到localStorage中。
注2: S.O.想要内联格式化的代码,所以我会看看我能做些什么来使它正确格式化。

<html lang="en-US">
  <title>LocalStorage and Unload State Save</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../jQueryPlugins/RememberState/form.css" />
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <!-- use the modified jquery.remember-state.js code in the JavaScript panel instead
       the script tag below is the original js file
  <script src="http://shaneriley.com/jquery/remember_state/jquery.remember-state.js"></script>-->
  <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ 
(function($) {
  /* jQuery form remember state plugin
     Name: rememberState
     Version: 1.3
     Description: When called on a form element, localStorage is used to
     remember the values that have been input up to the point of either
     saving or unloading. (closing window, navigating away, etc.) If
     localStorage isn't available, nothing is bound or stored.
     The plugin looks for an element with a class of remember_state to show
     a note indicating there is stored data that can be repopulated by clicking
     on the anchor within the remember_state container. If the element doesn't
     exist, it is created and prepended to the form.
     Usage: $("form").rememberState("my_object_name");
     Notes: To trigger the deletion of a form's localStorage object from
     outside the plugin, trigger the reset_state event on the form element
     by using $("form").trigger("reset_state");
  if (!window.localStorage || !window.JSON) {
    if (console && console.log) {
      !window.localStorage && console.log("ERROR: you browser does not support" +
        " localStorage (use this polyfill https://gist.github.com/350433)");
      !window.JSON&& console.log("ERROR: you browser does not support" +
        " JSON (use this polyfill http://bestiejs.github.com/json3/)");
    return $.fn.rememberState = function() { return this; };
  var remember_state = {
    name: "rememberState",
    clearOnSubmit: false, //default was true;
    //  ****************************
    /*noticeDialog: (function() {
        return $("<p />", {"class": "remember_state"})
        .html('Do you want to <a href="#">restore your previously entered info</a>?');
    //  ****************************    
    ignore: null,
    noticeSelector: ".remember_state",
    use_ids: false,
    objName: false,
    clickNotice: function(e) {
      var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(e.data.instance.objName)),
          $f = $(this).closest("form"),
      for (var i in data) {
        $e = $f.find("[name='"" + data[i].name + "'"]");
        if ($e.is(":radio, :checkbox")) {
          $e.filter("[value=" + data[i].value + "]").prop("checked", true);
        else if ($e.is("select")) {
          $e.find("[value=" + data[i].value + "]").prop("selected", true);
        else {
    chooseStorageProp: function() {
      if (this.$el.length > 1) {
        if (console && console.warn) {
          console.warn("WARNING: Cannot process more than one form with the same" +
            " object. Attempting to use form IDs instead.");
        this.objName = this.$el.attr("id");
    errorNoID: function() {
      if (console && console.log) {
        console.log("ERROR: No form ID or object name. Add an ID or pass" +
          " in an object name");
    saveState: function(e) {
      var instance = e.data.instance;
      var values = instance.$el.serializeArray();
      // jQuery doesn't currently support datetime-local inputs despite a
      // comment by dmethvin stating the contrary:
      // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/5667
      // Manually storing input type until jQuery is patched
      instance.$el.find("input[type='datetime-local']").each(function() {
        var $i = $(this);
        values.push({ name: $i.attr("name"), value: $i.val() });
      values = instance.removeIgnored(values);
      values.length && internals.setObject(instance.objName, values);
    save: function() {
      var instance = this;
      if (!this.saveState) {
        instance = this.data(remember_state.name);
      instance.saveState({ data: { instance: instance } });
    removeIgnored: function(values) {
      if (!this.ignore) { return values; }
      $.each(this.ignore, function(i, name) {
        $.each(values, function(j, input) {
          if (name === input.name) { delete values[j]; }
      return values;
    init: function() {
      var instance = this;
        //  ****************************
     /* if (instance.noticeDialog.length && instance.noticeDialog.jquery) {
        instance.noticeDialog.find("a").bind("click." + instance.name, {
          instance: instance
        }, instance.clickNotice);
        //  ****************************
      if (!instance.objName) {
      if (localStorage[instance.objName]) {
            //  **************************** 
        /*if (instance.noticeDialog.length && typeof instance.noticeDialog === "object") {
        else {
            //  ****************************
      if (instance.clearOnSubmit) {
        instance.$el.bind("submit." + instance.name, function() {
          $(window).unbind("unload." + instance.name);
      instance.$el.bind("reset_state." + instance.name, function() {
        //  ****************************
      /*$(window).bind("unload." + instance.name, { instance: instance }, instance.saveState);
      instance.$el.find(":reset").bind("click.remember_state", function() {
  var internals = {
    setObject: function(key, value) { localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(value); },
    getObject: function(key) { return JSON.parse(localStorage[key]); },
    createPlugin: function(plugin) {
      $.fn[plugin.name] = function(opts) {
        var $els = this,
            method = $.isPlainObject(opts) || !opts ? "" : opts;
        if (method && plugin[method]) {
          plugin[method].apply($els, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
        else if (!method) {
          $els.each(function(i) {
            var plugin_instance = $.extend(true, {
              $el: $els.eq(i)
            }, plugin, opts);
            $els.eq(i).data(plugin.name, plugin_instance);
        else {
          $.error('Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on jQuery.' + plugin.name);
        return $els;
  var thisPage = 'page1';   //defines the variable to use for local storage
    $(function() {
        .rememberState({objName: thisPage})
        .submit(function() {localStorage.setItem(thisPage, $(this).serializeArray());
        return true;
  <form method="post" action="page2.cfm">
        <dt><label for="first_name">First Name</label></dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" /></dd>
        <dt><label for="last_name">Last Name</label></dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" /></dd>
    <fieldset class="actions">
      <input type="submit" value="Continue" />



<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>  
<script type="text/javascript">    
$(document).ready(function()    {
var thisPageID = 'page1';  // each page gets its own    
    $('form').submit(function() {    
        var formFields = $(this).serialize();    
        localStorage.setItem(thisPageID, formFields);    
        data = localStorage.getItem(thisPageID);    
        return true;    


function getLocalData(id){
    var ApplicantData;
    ApplicantData = localStorage.getItem(id);
    if (ApplicantData){
        $.each(ApplicantData.split('&'), function (index, elem) {
            var vals = elem.split('=');
            var $div = $("#"+vals[0]);
            var separator = '';
            //  console.log($div);
            if ($div.html().length > 0) {
                separator = ', ';
            $div.html($div.html() + separator + decodeURIComponent(vals[1].replace(/'+/g, '  ')));

- http://www.thomashardy.me.uk/using-html5-localstorage-on-a-form
