
Is it possible to control Firefox's DNS requests in an addon?

本文关键字:DNS 请求 firefox 控制 有可能 插件 是否      更新时间:2023-09-26




内置实现从nsDNSServicensHostResolver再到PR_GetAddrByName (nspr),最后到getaddrinfo/gethostbyname。这将使用系统(或实现它的库)所配置的任何内容。



您可以检测到"问题加载页面",然后可能使用 redirectTo 方法。

基本上他们都加载about:neterror url后面有一堆信息。即:

  • about:neterror?e=dnsNotFound&u=http%3A//www.cu.reporterror%28%27afew/&c=UTF-8&d=Firefox%20can%27t%20find%20the%20server%20at%20www.cu.reporterror%28%27afew.
  • about:neterror?e=malformedURI&u=about%3Abalk&c=&d=The%20URL%20is%20not%20valid%20and%20cannot%


var listenToPageLoad_IfProblemLoadingPage = function(event) {
    var win = event.originalTarget.defaultView;
    var docuri = window.gBrowser.webNavigation.document.documentURI; //this is bad practice, it returns the documentUri of the currently focused tab, need to make it get the linkedBrowser for the tab by going through the event. so use like event.originalTarget.linkedBrowser.webNavigation.document.documentURI <<i didnt test this linkedBrowser theory but its gotta be something like that
    var location = win.location + ''; //I add a " + ''" at the end so it makes it a string so we can use string functions like location.indexOf etc
    if (win.frameElement) {
      // Frame within a tab was loaded. win should be the top window of
      // the frameset. If you don't want do anything when frames/iframes
      // are loaded in this web page, uncomment the following line:
      // return;
      // Find the root document:
      //win = win.top;
      if (docuri.indexOf('about:neterror') == 0) {
          Components.utils.reportError('IN FRAME - PROBLEM LOADING PAGE LOADED docuri = "' + docuri + '"');
    } else {
        if (docuri.indexOf('about:neterror') == 0) {
            Components.utils.reportError('IN TAB - PROBLEM LOADING PAGE LOADED docuri = "' + docuri + '"');

window.gBrowser.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', listenToPageLoad_IfProblemLoadingPage, true);