在Javascript中直接获取Lotus Notes中的视图信息/记录

Directly Getting View Information/Records in Lotus Notes in Javascript

本文关键字:视图 信息 记录 Notes Lotus Javascript 获取      更新时间:2023-09-26

基本上我需要从lotus notes本身的视图访问一些记录或数据。我不能使用@DBLookup,因为我们的目标是不刷新表单。我知道使用AJAX是可能的,虽然我还没有尝试过AJAX,如果你有一个详细的教程,请在这里分享。


基本上@DbLookup = "?"Javascript(非AJAX).



function loadNotesFields(docunid) {
    var notesfieldname = "";
        url: "/database.nsf/ajax_GetNotesFieldFields?OpenAgent", 
        data: {"NotesUNID":docunid},
        cache: false
    }).done(function(data) {
        $('input[notesfield]').each(function() {
            notesfieldname = $(this).attr("notesfield");
Dim urldata List as String
Sub Initialize
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim webform As NotesDocument
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim doc As NotesDocument
    Dim urlstring As String
    Dim urlarr As Variant
    Dim urlvaluename As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim json As String
    Set webform = session.DocumentContext
    '*** Remove leading "OpenAgent" from Query_String
    urlstring = StrRight(webform.Query_String_Decoded(0),"&")
    '*** Create list of arguments passed to agent
    urlarr = Split(urlstring,"&")
    For i = LBound(urlarr) To UBound(urlarr)
        urlvaluename = Split(urlarr(i),"=")
        urldata(urlvaluename(0)) = urlvaluename(1)
    Set thisdb = session.CurrentDatabase
    '*** Create content header for return data
    Print "content-type: application/json"
    '*** Get Notes document baed on NotesUIND argument
    Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(urldata("NotesUNID"))
    '*** Build JSON for all fields in document except $fields
    json = "{" + Chr$(13)
    ForAll item In doc.Items
        If Left$(item.Name,1)<>"$" Then
            json = json + |"| + item.Name + |":"| + item.Text + |",|+ Chr$(13)
        End If
    End ForAll
    '*** Remove trailing comma and line break
    json = Left$(json,Len(json)-2)  
    json = json + "}"
    '*** Return JSON
    Print json  
End Sub

如果这是一个XPages问题,那么答案很简单:使用JavaScript @DBLookup。


LotusScript- Agent,触发none

Dim ses as New NotesSession
Dim db as NotesDatabase
Dim viw as NotesView
Dim dc as NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc as NotesDocument
Set db = ses.CurrentDatabase
Set viw = db.GetView( "YourLookupView" )
Set dc = viw.GetAllDocumentsByKey( "YourLookupKey" )
Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
While not doc is Nothing
  Print doc.GetItemValue( "NameOfItemToReturn" )(0)
  Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument( doc )

这个代理将返回一个包含所有值的"page",每个值一行。然后,在ajax- return-函数中,您可以对这些值做您想做的事情。

通常你不是简单地打印值,而是返回json- object,或者一些xml-结构,或者已经html作为有序列表,或者其他什么,但是原则应该是明确的。

