
Javascript — manipulating attributes of dynamically loaded (or autopaged) content

本文关键字:属性 自动分页 操作 动态 加载 Javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26

Mega Edit--我已经尽可能清楚地解释了我的问题。




 //Gets the computed style of the image rather than the specified.
 //This was supplied very kindly by @RobG
 //The problem is that on first load, the height for the image is showing as 0 for the larger images.
 //Once it's cached, the functions shows the correct height.
 //I have no idea how to make this function work on a "on Ready" or "On Loaded"?
function getComputedStyle(el, styleProperty) {
 if (document && document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
   var styleObj = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null);
   var floatStyle = (typeof == 'string')?'cssFloat':'styleFloat';
   if (styleProperty == 'float') styleProperty = floatStyle;
   return styleObj && styleObj[styleProperty];
    function addNextPage(oj) {
        if (oj.status == 404) {
            tAP.remainFlg = false;
        var d = document.createElement("div");
        d.innerHTML = oj.responseText;
        var posts = tAP.gP(d.getElementsByTagName("*"));
        if (posts.length < 2) {
            tAP.rF = false;
        d = document.createElement("div");
        d.className = "tumblrAutoPager_page_info";
        for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
        //Goal: Set newly loaded images via this autopager script for tumblr
        //      to the height of the browser
        //      (So... IF the image is taller than the browser
        //      Make the image as tall as the browser)
        //      In effect I'm trying to make a dynamic image max-height based on the browser 
        // This is loading the new posts (part of the autopager script, not my code)
        //Over here I'm trying to reference the newly loaded imgs
        //BUT this is a horrible way of getting them, apprently.
        //It gets all the imgs in the entire document.
        //But it seems to work for my array below, anyhow
        //I really just need to deal with the new ones loaded in.
        var myDivs = tAP.pp.getElementsByTagName("img");
        var myHeights = [];
        for (var n=0, iLen=myDivs.length; n<iLen; n++) {
    myHeights.push(getComputedStyle(myDivs[n], 'height'));
    //= I get an array of image heights, however the newly loaded imgs often show up as 0
    // so the "getcomputedstyle" script is not working as it should yet. 
    //once the page is cached, it works as it should
        //you can see the console logs here
    //Over here would go:
    //"for each image
    //  if my height is taller then the window
    //  make me as tall as the window"
    //Finally, I have this working PERFECTLY in the jquery code
    //you can see it at on the first page load.
    //since you can't bind .live or .delegate to events that don't "bubble" 
    //up the DOM tree, i.e. ".load", I can't get it to recognise
    //newly loaded images from this script
    //thats why i'm having to hack this file
        var footer = $("footer");
        footer ? footer.parentNode.appendChild(footer) : null;
        tAP.rF = true;





> myDivs = tAP.pp.getElementsByTagName("img");


> myWidths = myDivs.getAttribute("width");



var myWidths = [];
for (var i=0, iLen=myDivs.length; i<iLen; i++) {


  <script type="text/javascript">
  function getActualWidth(el, styleProperty) {
    if (document && document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
      var styleObj = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null);
      var floatStyle = (typeof == 'string')?'cssFloat':'styleFloat';
      if (styleProperty == 'float') styleProperty = floatStyle;
      return styleObj && styleObj[styleProperty];
  <div onclick="alert(getActualWidth(this, 'width'));">div</div>

这让你有了宽度。要更改宽度,只需直接设置即可: = '500px';


关于事件委派,您是对的,因为它是一个"简单"事件,不会冒泡,所以您不能将jQuery live(((或等效的(绑定到img加载事件。因此,您必须手动将加载事件添加到每个单独的图像中。



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./Syndex_files/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./Syndex_files/style.css" media="screen">
    <input type="button" value="add image" />
<div id="posts">
    <div class="autopagerize_page_element">
    var $window = $(window);
    var $pageImages;
    var images = [
        '<div id="10823012653" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb37adUwD1r4306n" alt="Olaf Breuning"><div class="kremers">original height 701</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10822915844" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb33m4S7j1r4306no1_400.png" alt="Jacqueline Casey, Graphic Designer for MIT 1963 - 1990"><div class="kremers">original height 500</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10822870581" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb31sUYvQ1r4306n" alt="Vanessa Veasley x Supreme x Terry Richardson"><div class="kremers">original height 1280</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10822380405" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb2ivLTWQ1r4306n" alt="Xavier Delory - Habitat"><div class="kremers">original height 857</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10822233573" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb2d6sESW1r4306n" alt="Yellow Smoke Bomb"><div class="kremers">original height 900</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10822153538" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb2a3Gh2L1r4306n" alt="Karl Gerstner - Colour Sounds"><div class="kremers">original height 1024</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10822119380" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb28q4g7p1r4306n" alt="Karl Gerstner - Colour Sounds"><div class="kremers">original height 1024</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10822031937" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb258iApO1r4306n" alt="Cindy Sherman - Untitled Film Still #45"><div class="kremers">original height 920</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10821751285" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb1u2045A1r4306n" alt="Jeff Koons - Rabbit (1986)"><div class="kremers">original height 1280</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10821655695" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb1q8whpQ1r4306n" alt="Disabled Car Access"><div class="kremers">original height 757</div>/div></div>',
        '<div id="10821572995" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb1mw5IU11r4306n" alt="Bin Bags"><div class="kremers">original height 725</div></div></div>',
        '<div id="10821503505" rel="" class="post photo"><div class="theImage"><img src="./Syndex_files/tumblr_lsb1k3yEsf1r4306no1_400.png" alt="Untitled"><div class="kremers">original height 326</div></div></div>'
    $(document).ready(function() {
            if (images.length > 0) {
                // append first image in array to DOM
                        // select img elements from appended items
                        .find('img').each(function(e) {
                            // lets hide the description as well while we're at it
                            // hide image from the DOM
                            // check to see if our image has been cached
                            // source:
                            $(this).one('load', function() {
                            }).each(function() {
                                if(this.complete) {
                                    // (image is cached)
//                                  console.log("cached");
                // remove first element from array
                // update our reference to all nested images
                $pageImages = $('.autopagerize_page_element img');
            } else {
                // disable input (jQuery 1.6+)
                $(this).prop('disabled', true);
            // TODO: look into throttling these calls as it doesn't need to be called so often
            // potentially with the use of something like jQuery throttle / debounce
            // add your resize code here
                // resize all images to browser height
    function imageLoadHandler($img){
        // resize to browser window height, even images that are initially smaller than browser window height
        // OR...
        // check if this image is taller than our browser window
        if ($img.height() > $window.height()) {
            // resize to browser window height
        } else {
            // our image is smaller than the browser height, we don't need to do anything
        // reveal the image in the DOM
        // (fade in, animate in, do whatever else you want here)
        // finally show our description again