
collapsible list with dynamically loaded content

本文关键字:可折叠 列表 动态 加载      更新时间:2023-09-26

我已经尝试了各种各样的列表,我发现在互联网上,但他们似乎没有一个正常工作。我认为这可能是因为列表的内容是动态加载的(使用JQuery ajax)。




function loadNavigation() {
  var _url = "http://api.writeplace.nl/idofnavigation
	var credentials = btoa("username:password!");
    headers: {
    	"Authorization": "Basic " + credentials
    url: _url,
    success: function(data, text) {
		$("#nav > li > ul ").addClass("verberg");
		$("#nav > li > ul > li > ul").addClass("verberg");
function loadPage(documentId) {
  if (!documentId) {
  	documentId = "document-id";
  var _url = "http://api.writeplace.nl/=" +  documentId;
	var credentials = btoa("username:password!");
    headers: {
    	"Authorization": "Basic " + credentials
    url: _url,
    success: function(data, text) {

function uitvouwen(){
function uitvouwen1(){
	$("#container").on("click", "#nav > li", function(){
function uitvouwen2(){
	$("#container").on("click", "#nav > li > ul > li", function(){

加载导航,最上面的ul id为nav。在document.ready上,我将hide类添加到#nav>li>ul#nav>li>ul>li>ul中,因此li项默认设置为隐藏。然而,这个列表的问题是,如果你点击树中的链接或更深层次的li项目,它也会将其注册为上面级别的点击。



$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#nav").html(loadnavigation(menu, null)); //to load the li items//
    //e refers to the click event. 
    //bind it
    var eventTarget = $(e.target);
    //we need to use closest here. If you append other HTML-elements to the li, eventTarget
    //will refer to these elements. This way, it always travels up to the 
    //closest ancestor with an data-id attribute.
    eventTarget.closest("li[data-id]").children("ul").toggleClass("hide"); //find the closest ancestor (or self) that has data-id and hide its ul.
//below is my own code just to show an example of my comment:
//I'm using a array, combined with objects to build the basic structure of the menu.
var menu = [{
  name: "list 1",
  menu: [{
    name: "sublist 1"
  }, {
    name: "sublist 2"
}, {
  name: "list 2",
  menu: [{
    name: "sublist 1",
    menu: [{
      name: "sublist 1"
    }, {
      name: "sublist 2"
  }, {
    name: "sublist 2"
}, {
  name: "list 3"
function loadnavigation(obj, dataID) {
  var html = ""; //using var here is important. We want this variable to be private and within the scope of only this function.
  //this will be a recursive function.
  for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
    var id = i;
    if (dataID != null || dataID != undefined) //we start the function at first with value null.
      id = dataID + "-" + id; //separate id's from eachother with a dash   
    var menuItem = '<li data-id="' + id + '">';
    menuItem += obj[i].name; //append the menu name with +=
    if (obj[i].menu) //obj has submenu
      menuItem += "<ul class='hide'>" + loadnavigation(obj[i].menu, id) + "</ul>";
    menuItem += "</li>"; //close
    html += menuItem;
  return html;
ul.hide {
 display: none;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="container">
  <ul id="nav">




上面的选择器将选择从id 1开始的树分支的所有子节点。