
how would i clear previously echoed result without affecting any other functions in php?

本文关键字:清除 情况下 结果 返回 函数 其他 影响 php 任何      更新时间:2023-09-26


include'search.php';// form for a search box. 

         if (isset($_POST['search_name']))  {
$errors = array();
if (empty($search_name)){
    $errors[] ='please enter a search term';
else if (strlen($search_name)<3){
    $errors[] = 'your search term must be three or more characters'; 
else if (1==2){
    $errors[] ='your search for '.$search_name.' returened no results';
if (empty($errors)){

   filter($search_name); //it display another form in the navigation bar to filter the search result.

   search_results($search_name);//searches for all the result onthe database depending on the keyword  entered in searchbox. 

    } else{
    foreach($errors as $error)  {
        echo $error,'</br>';


echo 'world';
echo 'hello !';

可以使用ob_start(), ob_get_contents()ob_clean()来截取回波。

echo 'world';
var $echoed = ob_get_contents();
// real echo
echo 'hello ' . $echoed . '!';
// now you see
// hello world!

因为ob '输出缓冲'是PHP原生的,所以您可以将它用于函数,包含等任何东西。我使用这种方法来截取控制器流中的(1.)输出,并截取视图的(2.)输出,以便以后可以组合它们(例如,将PHP错误呈现到调试div中。