
Using XMLHttpRequest to load KML google maps, cannot load KML

本文关键字:加载 KML 不能 谷歌地图 使用 XMLHttpRequest      更新时间:2023-09-26



  /** Calls using xmlhttprequest to grab the kml file
  * and later prints it out as one or more polygons
function getKML(kmlUrl) {
var xmlRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlRequest.open("GET", kmlUrl, false);
xmlDoc = xmlRequest.responseXML;
var x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Placemark");
// travels through each Placemark tag in the kml files
var outage_time, restoration_time, event_number_value, fillColour, borderColour;
var objArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    // uses momentjs api to create human readable dates
    var date_format = "MMM DD, hh:mm a";
    // gets the event number
    event_number_value = x[i].getElementsByTagName("SimpleData")[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    // gets outage start time
    var outage_time_value = x[i].getElementsByTagName("SimpleData")[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    var outage_time_moment = moment(outage_time_value);
    outage_time = outage_time_moment.format(date_format);
    // gets estimated restoration time
    var restoration_time_value = x[i].getElementsByTagName("SimpleData")[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    // checks to see if we have a restoration time or not
    if (restoration_time_value === "2001-01-01T00:00:00") {
        restoration_time = "Not yet determined";
    } else {
        var restoration_time_moment = moment(restoration_time_value);
        restoration_time = restoration_time_moment.format(date_format);
    // gets the coordinates of the polygon
    var coords = x[i].getElementsByTagName("coordinates")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    var coordinate = coords.split(",0 ");
    var coordJoined = coordinate.join();
    var coordAgain = coordJoined.split(",");
    // gets the colour of the polygon
    var colour = x[i].getElementsByTagName("styleUrl")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    // determines the colour out of yellow, orange and red
    if (colour === "#Style1") {
        fillColour = '#f1c40f';
        borderColour = '#f1c40f';
    } else if (colour === "#Style2") {
        fillColour = '#e67e22';
        borderColour = '#e67e22';
    } else {
        fillColour = '#c0392b';
        borderColour = '#c0392b';
    // creates objects and adds it to array to be later used as data
    var obj = {
        eventID : event_number_value,
        offTime : outage_time,
        restoreTime : restoration_time,
        fill : fillColour,
        borderCol : borderColour
    // create a LatLng array out of the coordinate string
    var polygonCoords = new Array();
    var j = 0;
    var z = j + 1;
    //var firstCoord = new google.maps.LatLng();
    while (z < coordAgain.length) {
        // adds the first and last latLng to the array of polygonCoords
        if ((j % 2) == 0) {
            var co1 = parseFloat(coordAgain[z]);
            var co2 = parseFloat(coordAgain[j]);
            var newLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(co1, co2);
        } else {
            var co1 = parseFloat(coordAgain[j]);
            var co2 = parseFloat(coordAgain[z]);
            var newLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(co1, co2);
    //removes last coordinate as its useless as its not a number
    /** Adds the polygon to a polygon array
     * and maps it onto the map
    var newPoly = new google.maps.Polygon({
        paths : polygonCoords,
        strokeColor : objArray[i].borderCol,
        strokeOpacity : 0.35,
        strokeWeight : 2,
        fillColor : objArray[i].fill,
        fillOpacity : 0.35
    newPoly.set("eventNum", objArray[i].eventID);
    newPoly.set("offTime", objArray[i].offTime);
    newPoly.set("resTime", objArray[i].restoreTime);
    google.maps.event.addListener(newPoly, 'click',

更新1:我实际上发现这个错误后来出现在我的控制台:XMLHttpRequest无法加载https://someurl/polygons_live.kml。请求的资源上没有'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'标头。因此不允许访问Origin 'https://someurl'。

