
Attempting to use "this" without having to use "that" while passing functions as parameters to jquery delegate event handlers

本文关键字:参数传递 jquery 程序 事件处理 that this 不必 函数      更新时间:2023-09-26

假设我有一些javascript,我已经成功地将两个事件处理程序连接到DOM无序列表中的所有DOM "li"元素:

function userClickFunction() {
    console.log("USER CLICK");
    clickFunction(this);//had to pass "this" as parameter
function autoClickFunction() {
    console.log("AUTO CLICK");
    clickFunction(this);//had to pass "this" as parameter
function clickFunction(that) {
    var clickedItem = $(that).attr('id');//using "that" I was able to get the attrs from the "li" element
$("#my_list").delegate("li", "click", userClickFunction);
$("#my_list").delegate("li", "autoClick", autoClickFunction);


$("#some_li").trigger('click');//just kidding, the user does this :P
$("#some_li").trigger('autoClick');//fired by comparing some elaborate timers and interesting state variables.



function userClickFunction() {
    console.log("USER CLICK");
    clickFunction.call(this); //had to pass "this" as parameter
function autoClickFunction() {
    console.log("AUTO CLICK");
    clickFunction.call(this); //had to pass "this" as parameter
function clickFunction() {
    var clickedItem = this.id; //now this refers to the `li` element, also to get the `id` just refer to `this.id` no need to call `attr()`