
Email validation function error on javascript

本文关键字:函数 错误 验证 电子邮件 javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26



function checkForm(){   
        if (document.getElementById("fname").value == "" ) {
            document.getElementById("errfname").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("errfname").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("fname").value.length < 2 ) { // and needs to be only letter and/or one hyphen
            document.getElementById("errfname1").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("errfname1").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("sname").value == "" ) {
            document.getElementById("errsname").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("errsname").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("sname").value.length < 2 ) { // just letters like first name (fname)
             document.getElementById("errsname1").style.display = "inline";
             document.getElementById("errsname1").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("title").value == "Please select" ) {
            document.getElementById("errtitle").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("errtitle").style.visibility = "visible";
         if (document.getElementById("HANo").value == "" ) {
            document.getElementById("errHANo").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("errHANo").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("HANo").value.length != 6 ) { // and needs to be a number
            document.getElementById("errHANo2").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("errHANo2").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("email").value == "" ) {
            document.getElementById("erremail").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("erremail").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("email").value.length > 0 ) { 
                document.getElementById("erremail").style.display = "inline";
                document.getElementById("erremail").style.visibility = "visible";
        if (document.getElementById("telno").value.length > 11 ) 
         { // and needs to be a number
            document.getElementById("errtelno").style.display = "inline";
            document.getElementById("errtelno").style.visibility = "visible";
function checkEmail(){
     var email = document.getElementById('email');
     var emailRegEx = /[-'w.]+@([A-z0-9][-A-z0-9]+'.)+[A-z]{2,4}/;
     if (!emailRegEx.test(email.value)) 
       document.getElementById("erremail2").style.visibility = "visible";
       return false;
    } else {
        return true;


  <!doctype html>
       <meta charset="utf-8">
       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cfcss.css">
       <script src="cf.js"></script>
     <h1> Zedland Health Authority </h1>
     <h2> Contact Form </h2>
             <label for="fname">First Name:</label>
                    <input name="fname" id="fname" class="formfield" type="text">
                 <span id="errfname" class="error">*This is required</span>
                <span id="errfname1" class="error">*Name fields must have more than one character, and do not contain numbers
                    or other non-allowed alphabetic characters. The only character the last name
                    field should legitimately contain is a hyphen (e.g. Whittaker-Jones).</span>
                 <span id="errfname2" class="error">*This can only contain alphabetic numbers and one hyphen</span>
             <label for="sname">Surname:</label>
                 <input name="sname" id="sname" class="formfield" type="text">
                <span id="errsname" class="error">*This is required</span>
                 <span id="errsname1" class="error">*Name fields must have more than one character, and do not contain numbers
                or other non-allowed alphabetic characters. The only character the last name
                field should legitimately contain is a hyphen (e.g. Whittaker-Jones).</span>
                <span id="errsname2" class="error">*This can only contain alphabetic numbers and one hyphen</span>
             <label for="title">Title: </label>
               <select name="title" id="title">
                 <option value="Please select">Please select</option>
                 <option value="Mr.">Mr.</option>
                 <option value="Ms.">Ms.</option>
                 <option value="Mrs.">Mrs.</option>
                 <option value="Miss.">Miss.</option>
                 <option value="Master.">Master.</option>
             <span id="errtitle" class="error">*This is required</span>
             <label for="HANo">Health Authority Number:</label>
             <input name="HANo" id="HANo" class="formfield"type="text">
               <span id="errHANo" class="error">*This is required</span>
               <span id="errHANo2" class="error">* Numbers are in the form of a six-digit integer prefixed with the letters
                ZHA (e.g. ZHA346783)</span>
             <label for="email">Email:</label>
                 <input name="email" id="email" class="formfield"type="text">
                 <span id="erremail" class="error">*This is required</span>
                 <span id="erremail2" class="error">*Please enter a valid email</span>
               <label for="telno">Telephone Number:</label>
                <input name="telno" id="telno" class="formfield" type="text">
                <span id="errtelno" class="error">* If a telephone number is entered, then it should contain only numbers, not
                letters, or other disallowed characters. A valid Zedland telephone number has
                11 digits (no spaces)</span> 
            <button onclick="checkForm()">Submit</button>


    document.getElementById("erremail").style.display = "inline";
    document.getElementById("erremail").style.visibility = "visible";


此外,您应该将表达式锚定到^$。否则,它可以匹配诸如"invalid here"之类的子字符串。



function checkForm() {
    var mailInput = document.getElementById("email"),
        errEmail = document.getElementById("erremail"),
        errEmail2 = document.getElementById("erremail2");;
    if (mailInput.value == "") {  // Empty email = "visible"; = "hidden";
    } else { = "hidden";
        if (checkEmail(mailInput)) {  // Valid email
   = "hidden";
        } else {             // Invalid email
   = "visible";
function checkEmail(email) {
    var emailRegEx = /^[-'w.]+@([A-z0-9][-A-z0-9]+'.)+[A-z]{2,4}$/;
    return emailRegEx.test(email.value);
#erremail2 {
    display: inline;
    visibility: hidden;
<h1> Zedland Health Authority </h1>
<h2> Contact Form </h2>
    <label for="email">Email:</label>
    <input name="email" id="email" class="formfield" type="text">
    <span id="erremail" class="error">*This is required</span>
    <span id="erremail2" class="error">*Please enter a valid email</span>
    <button onclick="checkForm()">Submit</button>
