
How to prevent iPhone users upload more than one image

本文关键字:图像 何防止 iPhone 用户      更新时间:2023-09-26



var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
        browse_button: 'browse', // this can be an id of a DOM element or the DOM element itself
        url: 'upload.php',
        unique_names: true,
        filters: [{
            title: "Img type valid",
            extensions: "jpg"
        init: callbacks

Ramon,您可以使用multi_selection = false

var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
    browse_button: 'browse', // this can be an id of a DOM element or the DOM element itself
    url: 'upload.php',
    unique_names: true,
    multi_selection: false,
    filters: [{
        title: "Img type valid",
        extensions: "jpg"
    init: callbacks