
jQuery form addition not working with drop downs

本文关键字:适用于 下拉列表 不适用 添加 表单 jQuery      更新时间:2023-09-26



    <td colspan="2" style="border-width:0px; padding:10px; text-indent: 10px;"><p class="tdblackbigger">Standard Discount:</p></td>
    <td style="border-width:0px; padding:10px; text-indent: -105px;"><p class="tdblackbigger">
        <?php $restdisc = $_REQUEST['st_discount']; ?>
        <?php $attr7 = 'selected="selected"'; ?>
        <select name="st_discount" id="st_disc" class="invoiceselect">
            <option selected="selected" value="">------</option>
            <option value="20"<?php echo $restdisc == '20' ? $attr7 : ''; ?>>20</option>
            <option value="35"<?php echo $restdisc == '35' ? $attr7 : ''; ?>>35</option>
            <option value="40"<?php echo $restdisc == '40' ? $attr7 : ''; ?>>40</option>
            <option value="45"<?php echo $restdisc == '45' ? $attr7 : ''; ?>>45</option>
    <td colspan="2" style="border-width:0px; padding:10px;"><p class="tdblackbigger">Show Discount:</p></td>
    <td style="border-width:0px; padding:10px; text-indent: -135px;"><p class="tdblackbigger">
        <?php $reshdisc = $_REQUEST['sh_discount']; ?>
        <?php $attr8 = 'selected="selected"'; ?>
        <select name="sh_discount" id="sh_disc" class="invoiceselect">
            <option selected="selected" value="">------</option>
            <option value="5"<?php echo $reshdisc == '5' ? $attr8 : ''; ?>>5</option>
            <option value="10"<?php echo $reshdisc == '10' ? $attr8 : ''; ?>>10</option>
            <option value="15"<?php echo $reshdisc == '15' ? $attr8 : ''; ?>>15</option>
            <option value="20"<?php echo $reshdisc == '20' ? $attr8 : ''; ?>>20</option>
            <option value="25"<?php echo $reshdisc == '25' ? $attr8 : ''; ?>>25</option>


$(document).ready(function() {   
    $("input").keyup(function() {
    var subtotal = 0;
    var stantot = 0;
    var showtot = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i <= 30; i++) {
        var unitp = parseFloat($("#unitp" + i).val()) || 0;
        var casep = parseFloat($("#casep" + i).val()) || 0;
        var units = parseFloat($("#units" + i).val()) || 0;
        var cases = parseFloat($("#cases" + i).val()) || 0;
        var st_disc = parseFloat($("#st_disc").val()) || 0;
        var sh_disc = parseFloat($("#sh_disc").val()) || 0;
        var unitr = (unitp * units);
        var caser = (casep * cases);
        var result = (unitr + caser);
        var st_disc_fix = (st_disc / 100);
        var sh_disc_fix = (sh_disc / 100);
        var st_disc_solo = (st_disc_fix * result);
        var sh_disc_solo = (sh_disc_fix * result);
        var st_disc_amt = (result - st_disc_solo);
        var sh_disc_amt = (st_disc_amt - sh_disc_solo);
        var disc_total = (st_disc_fix + sh_disc_fix);
        var disc_whole = (disc_total * result);
        var disc = (result - disc_whole);
        var st_disc_tot = (result - disc_whole);
        var sh_disc_tot = (result - disc_whole);
        $("#line" + i).val(result.toFixed(2));
        $("#disc" + i).val(disc.toFixed(2));
        subtotal += parseFloat(result);
        stantot += parseFloat(st_disc_amt);
        showtot += parseFloat(sh_disc_amt);
    var totship = ($("#totship").val() * 1);
    var finaltotal = (showtot + totship);


var st_disc = parseFloat($("#st_disc").val());
var sh_disc = parseFloat($("#sh_disc").val());
$("#st_disc").val()   and  $("#sh_disc").val()  is messing your logic here


所以var st_disc = parseFloat($("#st_disc").val());应该是

     var st_disc = parseFloat($("#st_disc  option:selected").val()) || 0;
var sh_disc = parseFloat($("#sh_disc option:selected").val()) || 0;

var st_disc = parseFloat($("#st_disc").find(":selected").val()) || 0;
var sh_disc = parseFloat($("#sh_disc").find(":selected").val()) || 0;​