
How do I add the same functions back into my code after detaching in Jquery?

本文关键字:函数 代码 添加 分离 Jquery      更新时间:2023-09-26

我正试图在第一次使用循环if语句后重新创建我的.click functions。我在页面上创建了一个按钮,询问用户是否要重新启动。当用户单击此按钮时,它确实会重新加载除我的.click函数、循环、jquery中的if语句之外的所有内容。


我试着用remove()。它也不起作用。正如你在我的代码中看到的那样,当用户点击Yes!然后,他们创建的div与代码a long分离(),其中包含页面上的大多数其他元素。之后我使用before()&after()来重新创建删除的问题,在它们下面加空格&他们的提交按钮。问题是提交按钮在再次创建后将不再起作用。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<title>Razzakun's Etch A Sketch</title>
<center><h1>Welcome to Razzakun's Etch A Sketch</h1><center>
<center><div id="verticalSquaresQuestion">How many vertical squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div></center>
<center><input id="vsquareInput" type="text" value="" /></center>
<center><input id="vsubmit" type="button" value="Submit" /></center>
<center><div id="horizontalSquaresQuestion">How many horizontal squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div></center>
<center><input id="hsquareInput" type="text" value="" /></center>
<center><input id="hsubmit" type="button" value="Submit" /></center>

var creatingVDivs = 0;
var creatingHDivs = 0;
var createContainer = "<div id=container></div>";
var createHorizontalDivs="<div class= hsquare><center>Etch A Sketch</center></div>";
var createVerticalDivs = "<div class= vsquare><center>Etch A Sketch</center></div>";
var trueNumberOfVerticalSquares = 0;
var trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares = 0;
var $numOfVerticalSquares = $("#vsquareInput");
var $numOfHorizontalSquares = $("#hsquareInput");
var createEtchASketchLogoDiv = "<div id = logo><center><h3>Thank you for trying Razzakun's Etch A Sketch! </h3></center></div>";
var clearQuestion = "<div id= clearQuestion><center><h2>Do you want to start over?</h2></center></div>";
var clearQuestionSpace= "<br>";
var clearQuestionSubmit ="<center><input id='clearSubmit' type='button' value='Yes!' /></center>";
var verticalSquaresQuestion = "<center><div id='verticalSquaresQuestion'>How many vertical squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div></center>";
var vSquareInput = "<center><input id='vsquareInput' type='text' value='' /></center>";
var vSubmit = "<center><input id='vsubmit' type='button' value='Submit' /></center>";
var horizontalSquaresQuestion ="<br><br><center><div id='horizontalSquaresQuestion'>How many horizontal squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div></center>";
var hSquareInput = "<center><input id='hsquareInput' type='text' value='' /></center>";
var hSubmit= "<center><input id='hsubmit' type='button' value='Submit' /></center>";

$("#vsubmit").off("click").on("click", function () {
 trueNumberOfVerticalSquares = $numOfVerticalSquares.val();
 alert(trueNumberOfVerticalSquares + " vertical squares will be created. Click OK if that's okay.");
for(creatingVDivs=0; creatingVDivs < trueNumberOfVerticalSquares; creatingVDivs++) {
            $(".vsquare").css("margin", "0px");

if(creatingVDivs >= trueNumberOfVerticalSquares){
   $("#container").prepend( $( ".vsquare")); 

   $("#clearSubmit").off("click").on("click", function () {

    alert("Are you sure you really want to erase your hard work? Click OK if you are.");
$(".vsquare, .hsquare").detach();

$("#hsubmit").off("click").on("click", function () {
 trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares = $numOfHorizontalSquares.val();
 alert(trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares + " horizontal squares will be created. Click OK if that's okay.");

for(creatingHDivs=0; creatingHDivs < trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares; creatingHDivs++) {

                $(".hsquare").css("margin", "0px");
if(creatingHDivs >= trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares){
   $("#container").prepend( $( ".hsquare")); 

   $("#clearSubmit").off("click").on("click", function () {

    alert("Are you sure you really want to erase your hard work? Click OK if you are.");
$(".vsquare, .hsquare").detach();





$("#vsubmit").off("click").on("click", function () { ... });

由于function () { ... }现在被多次递归使用,您必须将其分配给一个变量。

var vsubmitListener = function () {
    trueNumberOfVerticalSquares = $numOfVerticalSquares.val();
    alert(trueNumberOfVerticalSquares + " vertical squares will be created. Click OK if that's okay.");
    for (creatingVDivs = 0; creatingVDivs < trueNumberOfVerticalSquares; creatingVDivs++) {
        $(".vsquare").css("margin", "0px");
        $(".vsquare").css("background-color", "#eef7ff");
    if (creatingVDivs >= trueNumberOfVerticalSquares) {
        $("#clearSubmit").off("click").on("click", function () {
            alert("Are you sure you really want to erase your hard work? Click OK if you are.");
            $(".vsquare, .hsquare").detach();
            /* Now that is has a name, we can recursively call it */
            $("#vsubmit").off("click").on("click", vsubmitListener);
            /* We couldn't do that when it was an anonymous function literal  */
$("#vsubmit").off("click").on("click", vsubmitListener);



<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <title>Razzakun's Etch A Sketch</title>
    <h1>Welcome to Razzakun's Etch A Sketch</h1>
        <div id="verticalSquaresQuestion">How many vertical squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div>
        <input id="vsquareInput" type="text" value="" />
        <input id="vsubmit" type="button" value="Submit" />
        <div id="horizontalSquaresQuestion">How many horizontal squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div>
        <input id="hsquareInput" type="text" value="" />
        <input id="hsubmit" type="button" value="Submit" />
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var creatingVDivs = 0;
    var creatingHDivs = 0;
    var createContainer = "<div id=container></div>";
    var createHorizontalDivs = "<div class= hsquare><center>Etch A Sketch</center></div>";
    var createVerticalDivs = "<div class= vsquare><center>Etch A Sketch</center></div>";
    var trueNumberOfVerticalSquares = 0;
    var trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares = 0;
    var $numOfVerticalSquares = $("#vsquareInput");
    var $numOfHorizontalSquares = $("#hsquareInput");
    var createEtchASketchLogoDiv = "<div id = logo><center><h3>Thank you for trying Razzakun's Etch A Sketch! </h3></center></div>";
    var clearQuestion = "<div id= clearQuestion><center><h2>Do you want to start over?</h2></center></div>";
    var clearQuestionSpace = "<br>";
    var clearQuestionSubmit = "<center><input id='clearSubmit' type='button' value='Yes!' /></center>";
    var verticalSquaresQuestion = "<center><div id='verticalSquaresQuestion'>How many vertical squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div></center>";
    var vSquareInput = "<center><input id='vsquareInput' type='text' value='' /></center>";
    var vSubmit = "<center><input id='vsubmit' type='button' value='Submit' /></center>";
    var horizontalSquaresQuestion = "<br><br><center><div id='horizontalSquaresQuestion'>How many horizontal squares of Etch A Sketch Space do you want?</div></center>";
    var hSquareInput = "<center><input id='hsquareInput' type='text' value='' /></center>";
    var hSubmit = "<center><input id='hsubmit' type='button' value='Submit' /></center>";
    var vsubmitListener = function() {
      trueNumberOfVerticalSquares = $numOfVerticalSquares.val();
      alert(trueNumberOfVerticalSquares + " vertical squares will be created. Click OK if that's okay.");
      for (creatingVDivs = 0; creatingVDivs < trueNumberOfVerticalSquares; creatingVDivs++) {
        $(".vsquare").css("margin", "0px");
        $(".vsquare").css("background-color", "#eef7ff");

      if (creatingVDivs >= trueNumberOfVerticalSquares) {
        $("#clearSubmit").off("click").on("click", function() {
          alert("Are you sure you really want to erase your hard work? Click OK if you are.");
          $(".vsquare, .hsquare").detach();
          $("#vsubmit").off("click").on("click", vsubmitListener);
          $("#hsubmit").off("click").on("click", hsubmitListener);
    var hsubmitListener = function() {
      trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares = $numOfHorizontalSquares.val();
      alert(trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares + " horizontal squares will be created. Click OK if that's okay.");
      for (creatingHDivs = 0; creatingHDivs < trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares; creatingHDivs++) {
        $(".hsquare").css("margin", "0px");
        $(".hsquare").css("background-color", "#eef7ff");
        $(".hsquare").css("padding", "0px");
        $(".hsquare").css("float", "left");
        $(".hsquare").css("display", "block");
      if (creatingHDivs >= trueNumberOfHorizontalSquares) {
        $("#clearSubmit").off("click").on("click", function() {
          alert("Are you sure you really want to erase your hard work? Click OK if you are.");
          $(".vsquare, .hsquare").detach();
          $("#vsubmit").off("click").on("click", vsubmitListener);
          $("#hsubmit").off("click").on("click", hsubmitListener);
    $("#vsubmit").off("click").on("click", vsubmitListener);
    $("#hsubmit").off("click").on("click", hsubmitListener);




jQuery .on()处理程序应该导致持久的事件处理,将事件侦听器添加到插入到DOM中与选择器匹配的任何元素中。我认为这个问题也可以通过弄清楚为什么您的代码以某种方式让jQuery删除.on()事件侦听器来解决。