Slack Botkit-如何获得消息's来自'reaction_aded'事件

Slack Botkit - How to get a message's content from a 'reaction_added' event

本文关键字:reaction aded 事件 来自 消息 Slack Botkit- 何获得      更新时间:2023-09-26


controller.on('reaction_added',function(bot, event) {
   if (event.reaction == 'x') {
      // bot reply with the message's text

根据Slack API,我只能获得像event.item这样的数据,该数据具有消息的类型、通道和ts。有人知道如何做到这一点吗?


function getTaskID(channel_id, timestamp, callback) {
  slack.api("channels.history", {
      channel: channel_id,
      latest: timestamp,
      count: 1,
      inclusive: 1
    }, function(err, response) {
      // do something with the response