如何确定使用 javascript/html 单击了哪个对象/图像

How determine which object/image was clicked using javascript/html

本文关键字:图像 对象 单击 html 何确定 javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26

本质上,我有一个页面,其中有 100 个图像缩略图显示在以下表单中:

   document.getElementById('response').innerHTML += "<a href='#'><img src=" + responseObject.items[0].snippet.thumbnails.high.url + " /></a>";
   document.getElementById('response').innerHTML += "<a href='#'><img src=" + responseObject.items[1].snippet.thumbnails.high.url + " /></a>";
   document.getElementById('response').innerHTML += "<a href='#'><img src=" + responseObject.items[2].snippet.thumbnails.high.url + " /></a>";

等等。如果这很重要,我只是处理由解析的 JSON 组成的对象数组。无论如何,当用户单击其中一个图像时,我需要调用一个函数,比如showVideo,我需要知道实际单击了哪个图像项(项目[1],项目[2]),以便我可以将其传递给我的函数并显示该项目的嵌入式youtube播放器。粗略地说,我的函数可能看起来像:

function showVideo(itemClicked){
   document.getElementById('theVideo').innerHTML = "<iframe width='420' height='345' src=http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + responseObject.items[itemClicked].id.videoId + " /></iframe>"



想使用 for() 循环来创建每个<a>

var responseObject={};
  	{snippet:{thumbnails:{high:{url:'http://lorempixel.com/50/5'}}}, id:{videoId:`A1213131`}},
  	{snippet:{thumbnails:{high:{url:'http://lorempixel.com/50/5'}}}, id:{videoId:`B1213131`}},
  	{snippet:{thumbnails:{high:{url:'http://lorempixel.com/50/5'}}}, id:{videoId:`C1213131`}}
for (var i = 0; i < responseObject.items.length; i++) {
  //create the anchor
  var a = document.createElement('a');
  //set its href property
  a.href = '#';
  //insert the thumbnail into it
  a.innerHTML = "<img src=" + responseObject.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.high.url + i + " />";
  //add the click event
  a.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    //prevent it to act as an anchor;
    //insert the iframe into #theVideo
       //note that if the iframe is already setted up, it may be better to only change its src property document.querySelector(theVideo>iframe).src=...
    document.getElementById('theVideo').innerHTML = "<iframe width='420' height='345' src=http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + responseObject.items[this].id.videoId + " /></iframe>" +
      //only for the snippet example
      "<p>http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + responseObject.items[this].id.videoId + "</p>";
  }.bind(i)); //.bind(i) will make our `i` var correspond to the `this` var of the fired event.
  // append the newly created <a> to #response div
<div id="response"></div>
<div id="theVideo"></div>


<a class="video-target">...</a>
var elms = document.getElementByClassName('video-target');
elms.foreach(function (el) {
    el.onclick = function (e) {
        // e.target is the one you clicked on
        var target = e.target;

您必须向 HTML 添加一个类。查询 DOM,并通过 target 找到您的元素。

一种方法可能是对每个带有项目 ID 的链接标签使用 onclick 所以它变成了这样的东西 document.getElementById('response').innerHTML += "<a href='#'
onclick="showVideo('0')"><img src=" + responseObject.items[0].snippet.thumbnails.high.url + " /></a>";