意外结果,在 ASP.Net 中解析 JSON 对象的数组

Unexpected results, Parse Array of JSON Objects in ASP.Net

本文关键字:JSON 对象 数组 结果 ASP Net 意外      更新时间:2023-09-26

我正在尝试学习MVC ASP.Net 我想将JSON对象数组发布到服务器并将其发送回客户端。但我得到了奇怪的结果。一切都很好,没有添加第四个变量(bool Required)。例如,我还尝试在发布 JSON 的 JavaScript 部分中将 true更改为"true",但我从服务器返回了相同的奇怪结果。POST的结果在使用JavaScript和POSTMAN时都是相同的,我认为问题出在服务器端代码上。



public ActionResult GetResult()
    List<SurveyDetails> tableList = new List<SurveyDetails>();
    tableList.Add(new SurveyDetails { Id = 500, Question = "where are you from", Answer = 2, Required = true });
    tableList.Add(new SurveyDetails { Id = 501, Question = "how old are you", Answer = 1, Required = false });
    tableList.Add(new SurveyDetails { Id = 502, Question = "what is your first car", Answer = 2, Required = false });
    tableList.Add(new SurveyDetails { Id = 503, Question = "do you have kids", Answer = 1, Required = true });
    return Json(tableList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
    public ActionResult GetResult(List<Table> list)
        return Json(list);


namespace CapstoneProject.Models
    public class SurveyDetails
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Question { get; set; }
        public int Answer { get; set; }
        public bool Required { get; set; }


        "Id": 500,
        "Question": "where are you from",
        "Answer": 2,
        "Required": true
        "Id": 501,
        "Question": "how old are you",
        "Answer": 1,
        "Required": false
        "Id": 502,
        "Question": "what is your first car",
        "Answer": 2,
        "Required": false
        "Id": 503,
        "Question": "do you have kids",
        "Answer": 1,
        "Required": true

在这里,我在发布我在 GET 请求中收到的内容后从服务器返回的奇怪结果:

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GetResult(List<Table> list) List<Table>

