
Fundamentally doing something wrong with function calls. Functions do work in the console

本文关键字:控制台 有效 功能 问题 函数调用 从根本上      更新时间:2024-05-24



//this function generates the content of the page based on which category the user selects,
//which services the user selects, and help maneuver through each stage of the feature selection
//so that the QuoteEngine function can display the user's selected hour count, price per hour
// and total cost of the needed service so that the user can see very clearly what services 
//he is getting and where every dollar of his total cost is coming from so that the user can 
//make a well informed purchase decision, and be able to clearly understand the services offered
//and related pricing. 
$(document).ready(function () {
    function BasicDropdown() {
        //hide the drop-downs to begin with
        //hide element with class dropdown-category
        //hide element with class dropdown-service
        //when the category list title is hovered over, show the category drop-down list
        //when element with class category is hovered, do this:
        $(".category").hover(function () {
            //show the list
            //when element with class category is no longer hovered, do this:
        }, function () {
            //hide the list
        //when the service list title is hovered over, show the service drop-down list
        //when element with class service is hovered, do this:
        $(".service").hover(function () {
            //show the list
            //when element with class service is no longer hovered, do this:
        }, function () {
            //hide the list
    //change the selected service based on an id input
    //create a function to change the selected service
    function ChangeService(id) {
        //clear the service list element
        //make the name inside the service drop-down title show the new title
        //loop through the chosen section of the service array for as many times as the 
        //section is in length
        for (var i = 0; i < ServiceArray[id].length; i++) {
            //each loop, append a paragraph element with a data key equal to the current
            //loop count, an id equal to the id of the array area based on the loop count,
            //and also insert the element's text according to that loop count also. 
            $(".dropdown-service").append('<p data-key="' + i + '" id="' + ServiceArray[id][i][0] + '">' + ServiceArray[id][i][1] + "</p>");
        //set the variable "Category" to be equal to the chosen id. 
        Category = id;
    function CategoryHover() {
        //make the category drop-down list open and show its list of services
        //when the user hovers over an element in the category drop-down, do this:
        $(".dropdown-category > p").hover(function () {
            //hide the welcome wrapper
            //set the variable "thisKey" based on the value of the data "key" attached 
            thisKey = $(this).data("key");
            //create a variable "outputList" and assign a value to it from "CategoryArray"
            outputList = CategoryArray[thisKey];
            //set the title of the category drop-down lists title to the currently hovered text
            //call the ChangeService function and pass the variable "thisKey" into it
            //show the service drop-down list
            //show the ListOutput element (this shows a short description of the hovered element)
            //append the variable "outputList" as the value of a paragraph element
            $(".ListOutput").append('<p>' + outputList + '</p>');
        }, function () {
            //hide the service drop-down list
            //empty the ListOutput element
            //hide the ListOutput element
            //show the welcome wrapper again
    function ServiceHover() {
        //make the service drop-down  list open and show the list of services for the category
        //when the user hovers over an element in the service drop-down, do this:
        $(".dropdown-service > p").hover(function () {
            //hide the welcome wrapper
            //set the variable "thisKey" based on the value of the data "key" attached
            thisKey = $(this).data("key");
            //create a variable "outputList" and assign a value to it from "CategoryArray"
            outputList = ServiceArray[Category][thisKey][2][0];
            //show the ListOutput element (this shows a short description of the hovered element)
            //append the variable "outputList" as the value of a paragraph element
            $(".ListOutput").append('<p class="blue">' + outputList + '</p>');
        }, function () {
            //empty the ListOutput element
            //hide the ListOutput element
            //show the welcome wrapper again


JS Fiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/gbJcg/4/




 $(".dropdown-service").on("mouseenter" ,"p",function () {
  $(".dropdown-service").on("mouseleave" ,"p",function () {



检查您的控制台,您有Uncaught ReferenceError: ServiceArray is not defined




当您没有任何响应".dropdown-service > p"选择器的元素时,就会调用$(".dropdown-service > p").hover(...)。它们可能稍后通过ajax或js 完成的其他html操作添加


$(document).on("mouseenter",".dropdown-service > p",function() {
$(document).on("mouseleave",".dropdown-service > p",function() {