
Can you create an object in Javascript without declaring every value, and how?

本文关键字:声明 Javascript 创建 一个对象      更新时间:2024-03-24


var Room = function(name, north, south, east, west) {
    this.name = name;
    this.north = north;
    this.south = south;
    this.west = west;
    this.east = east;



var bedroom = new Room('Bedroom', true, false, false, false);


var bedroom = new Room({
    name: 'Bedroom',
    north: true

随着南、东、西变成假。 这样,如果我说 20 个不同的选项,我只需要指定我关心的选项,而不是用很多 false 和 '' 值进行长声明,我不需要记住它们应该在哪个顺序(北、南、东、西?或北、东、东、 南,西?

如果你真的需要单独的实例变量来northsoutheastwest,我会建议这样的东西,你可以在空格分隔的字符串中只传递你关心的方向。 这使得调用代码变得更加简单,因为您不必为不存在的方向传递任何内容。

var Room = function(name, directions) {
    this.name = name;
    this.north = this.south = this.west = this.east = false;
    directions = directions.split(" ");
    directions.forEach(function(item) {
        this[item] = true;
var bedroom = new Room('Bedroom', 'north south');


var Room = function(name, directions) {
    this.name = name;
    this.north = this.south = this.west = this.east = false;
    for (var dir in directions) {
        this[dir] = directions[dir];
var bedroom = new Room('Bedroom', {north: true, south: true});

第三种方法是使用标志(通常在 C/C++ 中使用(。 这允许您在单个值中传递任意数量的标志:

var Room = function(name, directions) {
    this.name = name;
    this.directions = directions;
Room.prototype = {
   isNorth: function() { return this.directions & Room.north},
   isSouth: function() { return this.directions & Room.south},
   isWest: function() { return this.directions & Room.west},
   isEast: function() { return this.directions & Room.east},
Room.north = 1;
Room.south = 2;
Room.east = 4;
Room.west = 8;
var bedroom = new Room('Bedroom', Room.north | Room.south);

JavaScript 对象

使用 || 运算符添加默认值

var Room = function(name, north, south, east, west) {
    this.name = name;
    this.north = north || false;
    this.south = south || false;
    this.west = west || false;
    this.east = east || false;

这将告诉它使用east如果为它提供了数据,或者如果结果证明undefined east则使用 false 。

var Room = function (options) {
    this.name = options.name;
    var cardinals = ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west'];
    // Check your directions param for each of the cardinal directions
    // that you want to allow
    cardinals.forEach(function (direction) {
        if (typeof options[direction] !== 'undefined') {
            this[direction] = options[direction];
        } else {
            this[direction] = false;
var room = new Room({ name: 'Bedroom', north: true, south: true });

您可以使用"for ..在..."循环以使用参数迭代输入对象。例:

Room = function(options) {
    for (var key in options) {
        this[key] = options[key];
var bedroom = new Room({
    name: 'Bedroom',
    north: true



var Room = function(name, directions) {
    this.name = name;
    this.north = directions.north || false;
    this.south = directions.south || false;
    this.west = directions.west || false;
    this.east = directions.east || false;

然后,当您调用var r = new Room("something", {north:true});时,所有其他值都将设置为 false。



function AbstractRoom(name, north, south, east, west){
    this.name = name;
    this.north = north;
    this.south= south;
    this.east= east;
    this.west= west;


function RoomNorth(name){
  AbstractRoom.call(this, name, true, false, false, false);


var myNorthRoom = new RoomNorth('AGoodName');


myNorthRoom.north <-- true
myNorthRoom.south <-- false


var Room = function( name, directions ) {
    this.name = name;
    this.north = directions.north || false;
    this.south = directions.south || false;
    this.west = directions.west || false;
    this.east = directions.east || false;


var bedroom = new Room( 'Bedroom', { 'north': true } );

如果不定义方向,|| 运算符将使其为假。


function Room (name) {
   this.name = name;
Room.prototype = {
   north: function (v) {
       if (arguments.length > 0 } { this._north = v; return this; }
       else { return this._north; }
   south: function (v) {
       if (arguments.length > 0 } { this._south = v; return this; }
       else { return this._south; }
   // .. rest of getter-setters
   // The prototype can be used for defaults and/or lifting
   _north: false,
   _south: false,
   // .. rest of defaults
var room = new Room("bedroom")
  .south(true); // => the Room object
var hasNorth = room.north(); // => true

有些人可能不喜欢这种模式 - 尤其是这种实现 - 因为它将getter/setter的返回类型更改为"有时可链接"和"有时返回值",就像一些jQuery方法(例如。 $.val (。

它还要求/鼓励方向(例如。"北"(通过 getter 方法访问。定义属性不允许使用此类链接语法。