模板 Url 中的 ng-model $ionicPopup不适用于范围

ng-model inside $ionicPopup templateUrl is not working with scope

本文关键字:不适用 适用于 范围 ionicPopup Url 中的 ng-model 模板      更新时间:2023-09-26


UZCampusWebMapApp.controller('PlanCtrl',function($scope, $ionicModal, $ionicLoading, $ionicPopup) {
    $scope.confirmCreatePOI = function(data) {
        var myPopup = $ionicPopup.show({
            templateUrl: 'templates/pois/confirmCreatePOI.html',
            title: 'Confirmar creación de POI',
            scope: $scope,
            buttons: [
                    text: '<b>Save</b>',
                    onTap: function() {
                        var invalidEmail = $scope.email.length==0 || $scope.email==null || typeof($scope.email)=='undefined';
                        if ($scope.emailChecked==true && invalidEmail) {
                            $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Email is mandatory'});
                        else {
                            data.email = $scope.email;
                   text: 'Cancel'


    UZCampusWebMapApp.directive('formCreatePointOfInterest', function($ionicLoading) {
      return {
        restrict : 'A',
        scope: true,
        controller : function($scope) {      
          $scope.submit = function(data) {
            console.log("Submit form createpoint of interest",data);
            if($scope.createPOIform.$valid) {
            } else {
              $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'El formulario es inválido', duration: 1500})


<div id="confirm-create-poi-popup">
  <p> Text </p>
  <p> Text </p>
  <div class="list">
    <ion-checkbox ng-model="emailChecked">Receive notification</ion-checkbox>
    <label class="item item-input">
      <input type="email" ng-model="email">



var invalidEmail = $scope.email.length==0 || $scope.email==null || typeof($scope.email)=='undefined';


为什么?$ionicPopup $scope属性不起作用吗?用错了?


var popup = $ionicPopup.show({
  title: 'Validar Ticket',
  scope: $scope,
  template: '<input type="tel" placeholder="Digite o código do ticket"  ng-model="cd_ticket" >',
  buttons: [{
      text: '<i class="icon ion-close"></i>',
      type: 'popup-close'
      text: '<i class="icon ion-checkmark"></i>',
      type: 'common-btn',
      onTap: function (e) {
        return this.scope.cd_ticket;
}).then(function (res) {
  if (res) {
      title: 'Alerta',
      template: 'Ticket: ' + $scope.cd_ticket + "<br>Resposta: " + res


您的 onTap 函数应如下所示:

onTap: function() {
    // CORRECTION 1 - should use this.scope instead of $scope
    var email = this.scope.email;
    // CORRECTION 2 - check for 'undefined; first, then 'null', then 'length'
    //  (if the first OR condition is unsatisfied, the rest won't be checked for, saving time and a possible error)
    var invalidEmail = typeof(email) == 'undefined' || email == null || email.length == 0 ;
    // CORRECTION 3 - Either check for existence of 'emailChecked' or initialise it to 'false' in your templateUrl
    var emailChecked = this.scope.emailChecked;
    if (emailChecked == true && invalidEmail) {
        $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Email is mandatory' });
    } else {
        data.email = email;

请在此处浏览代码:离子播放 - 离子弹出窗口中的范围问题。


$scope.vm = {
  email: '',
  emailChecked: false

封装在对象中的变量是一种很好的做法,这里vm,而不是将它们作为基元类型传递/使用。 vm 代表 视图模型。了解范围。

只是一个建议,您可能会在 toast 组件中显示验证错误,这是我使用 ionicToast 而不是使用 ionicLoading 的一个。


UZCampusWebMapApp.controller('PlanCtrl', function ($scope, $ionicModal, $ionicLoading, $ionicPopup) {
  $scope.confirmCreatePOI = function (data) {
    var myPopup = $ionicPopup.show({
      scope: $scope,
      templateUrl: 'templates/pois/confirmCreatePOI.html',
      title: 'Confirmar creación de POI',
      buttons: [{
          text: '<b>Save</b>',
          onTap: function () {
            var invalidEmail = $scope.email.length == 0 || $scope.email == null || typeof ($scope.email) == 'undefined';
            if ($scope.emailChecked == true && invalidEmail) {
                template: 'Email is mandatory'
            } else {
              data.email = $scope.email;
          text: 'Cancel'