
How to get a collision function to work properly in Javascript?

本文关键字:常工作 工作 碰撞 何使 函数 Javascript      更新时间:2024-01-28


1) 当我按下键盘上的左箭头或右箭头超过几次时,篮子会一直向左或向右移动,然后消失。

2) 当球击中篮筐时,什么都不会发生(我的碰撞检测功能无法正常工作)。然而,我应该说,当球落地时,我的碰撞检测工作得很好(警报信息显示为"球落地")。





 //create the constructor for the class pad
 function Pad() {
//initialisation code will go here
//create private variables for the x and y coordinates
var x = 200,
    y = 200,
    vx = 0,
    vy = 0,
   padX = (canvas.width - 20) / 2;
   rightPressed = false,
   leftPressed = false;
//create the draw function to give us the draw method
//it accepts one parameter which is the context from the canvas it is drawn on
Pad.prototype.draw = function (context) {
    //save the state of the drawing context before we change it
    //set the coordinates of the drawing area of the new shape to x and y
    context.translate(x, y);
    //start the line (path)
    context.fillStyle = "#800000"; // This is the basket
    context.moveTo(15, 20);
    context.bezierCurveTo(20, 100, 150, 100, 150, 20);
    //close the path
    //go ahead and draw the line
    //restore the state of the context to what it was before our drawing
//create a public property called X (note caps!)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'X',
    get: function () {
        //return the value of x (lower case)
        return x;
    set: function (value) {
        //ste the value of x (lower case)
        x = value;
//create a public property called Y (note caps!)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'Y',
    get: function () {
        //return the value of y (lower case)
        return y;
    set: function (value) {
        //ste the value of y (lower case)
        y = value;

padX = function () {
    if (rightPressed && padX < canvas.width - 20) {
        padX += 5;
    else if (leftPressed && padX > 0) {
        padX -= 5;
 Pad.prototype.move = function () {
    //change the x axis by the x velocity
    x += vx;
    //change the y axis by the y velocity
    y += vy;
 Pad.prototype.setVector = function (vector) {
    //set the vx value based on this vector
    vx = vector.VX;
    //set the vy value based on this vector
    vy = vector.VY;
//public method to set the vector of the saucer
Pad.prototype.accelerate = function (Acceleration) {
    //set vx
    vx += Acceleration.AX;
    ////set vy
    //vy += Acceleration.AY;

 //create a public property called Top
 Object.defineProperty(this, 'Top',
    get: function () {
        //return the y posn less the height
        return y - 10;
  //create a public property called Bottom
  Object.defineProperty(this, 'Bottom',
    get: function () {
        //return the y posn plus the height
        return y + 10;
  //create a public property called Left
  Object.defineProperty(this, 'Left',
    get: function () {
        //return the x posn less the width
        return x - 80;
  //create a public property called Right
  Object.defineProperty(this, 'Right',
    get: function () {
        //return the x posn plus the width
        return x + 80;


  Pad.prototype.move = function() {
    //change the x axis by the x velocity
    var canvasWidth = 400,
      padWidth = 150;
    if (x + vx < canvasWidth - padWidth && x + vx >= 0)
      x += vx;
    //change the y axis by the y velocity
    y += vy;


(2) 球和垫子之间没有碰撞处理:将其放入函数drawFrame():

 if (collision.Overlapping(ball, pad)) {
     context.strokeText('ball hit pad!',20,100)
     //..do some other stuff here

(3) 这让我们在画布上显示消息,你可以在画布上绘制文本

var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "30px Arial";
ctx.fillText("Hello World",10,50);


}else if(rightPressed){