ng绑定html,变量名来自ng repeat,但在其他地方定义了变量

ng-bind-html with variable name coming from ng-repeat but variable defined elsewhere

本文关键字:ng 方定义 变量 定义 变量名 html 绑定 repeat 其他      更新时间:2024-01-06

嗨,我对angular很陌生,所以我不确定这是否是一个明显的答案,但我正试图通过ng repeat将一个变量分配给ng bind html。然而,当我通过ng重复angular添加变量时,它只显示变量名,因为它认为html内容来自我的ng重复数据,而不是angular中的其他地方。


<div class="brandInfo" ng-repeat="brand in itemPage.brandinfo" ng-click="widgetExpanded = !widgetExpanded">
    <div class="icon-wrapper">    
        <img ng-src="assets/img/icons/{{brand.icon}}"/>             
    <p> {{brand.title}} </p>
    <div ng-slide-down="widgetExpanded" duration=".5">
        <p ng-bind-html="brand.iconClass"></p>


vm.brandinfo = [
                    {icon: "organicCotton.svg", iconClass: "organicCotton", title: "Organic Cotton"},
                    {icon: "lowImpactDye.svg", iconClass: "lowImpactDye", title: "Low Impact Dyes"},
                    {icon: "factory.svg", iconClass: "factory", title: "Regulated Factory"},
                    {icon: "carbonFootprint.svg", iconClass: "carbonFootprint", title: "Sustainable Business Practices"}
$scope.organicCotton = $sce.trustAsHtml(
            "<ul><li>Uses no pesticides or herbicides which a often toxic to humans and the environment</li> '
            <li>Conventional cotton accounts for 25% of global pesticide usage</li> '
            <li> Organic farming practices create healthy soils which make better use of water inputs and are more resilient in drought conditions</li> '
            <li> The water pollution impact of organic has been shown to be 98% less than non-organic cotton production.</li></ul>"




vm.organicCotton = $sce.trustAsHtml(
        "<ul><li>Uses no pesticides or herbicides which a often toxic to humans and the environment</li> '
        <li>Conventional cotton accounts for 25% of global pesticide usage</li> '
        <li> Organic farming practices create healthy soils which make better use of water inputs and are more resilient in drought conditions</li> '
        <li> The water pollution impact of organic has been shown to be 98% less than non-organic cotton production.</li></ul>"
vm.brandinfo = [
                {icon: "organicCotton.svg", iconClass: vm.organicCotton, title: "Organic Cotton"},
                {icon: "lowImpactDye.svg", iconClass: vm.lowImpactDye, title: "Low Impact Dyes"},
                {icon: "factory.svg", iconClass: vm.factory, title: "Regulated Factory"},
                {icon: "carbonFootprint.svg", iconClass: vm.carbonFootprint, title: "Sustainable Business Practices"}



vm.brandinfo = [
                {icon: "organicCotton.svg", iconClass: "organicCotton", title: "Organic Cotton"},
                {icon: "lowImpactDye.svg", iconClass: "lowImpactDye", title: "Low Impact Dyes"},
                {icon: "factory.svg", iconClass: "factory", title: "Regulated Factory"},
                {icon: "carbonFootprint.svg", iconClass: "carbonFootprint", title: "Sustainable Business Practices"}
vm.brandInfo[0].iconClass = $sce.trustAsHtml(
        "<ul><li>Uses no pesticides or herbicides which a often toxic to humans and the environment</li> '
        <li>Conventional cotton accounts for 25% of global pesticide usage</li> '
        <li> Organic farming practices create healthy soils which make better use of water inputs and are more resilient in drought conditions</li> '
        <li> The water pollution impact of organic has been shown to be 98% less than non-organic cotton production.</li></ul>"
