Requirejs:dist 失败,加载器插件没有在构建:文本中调用加载回调

Requirejs:dist failed, Loader plugin did not call the load callback in the build: text

本文关键字:加载 文本 构建 回调 调用 插件 失败 dist Requirejs      更新时间:2023-09-26

我正在使用 yeoman 和 grunt 构建在 requirejs:dist 失败,错误为"加载器插件没有在构建中调用加载回调:文本"。

我在这里看到了这个问题,但更新 requirejs 对我没有帮助。控制台输出如下:

    PS D:'...> bower -version
    PS D:'...> npm -version
    PS D:'...> bower ls
    bower check-new     Checking for new versions of the project dependencies..
    html-console#0.0.0 D:'...
    +-- backbone#1.1.0
    +-- bootstrap#3.0.1
    ¦ +-- jquery#2.0.3
    +-- jquery#2.0.3
    +-- modernizr#2.6.2
    +-- requirejs#2.1.9
    +-- requirejs-text#2.0.10
    +-- sass-bootstrap#3.0.1
    ¦ +-- jquery#2.0.3
    +-- underscore#1.5.2
    PS D:'...> npm ls | grep require
    ????????? grunt-bower-requirejs@0.7.1
    ??? ????????? requirejs@2.1.9
    ????????? grunt-requirejs@0.4.0
    ??? ????????? requirejs@2.1.9
    PS D:'...> grunt build
    Running "clean:dist" (clean) task
    Cleaning .tmp...OK
    Running "coffee:dist" (coffee) task
    Running "coffee:test" (coffee) task
    Running "createDefaultTemplate" task
    Running "jst:compile" (jst) task
    >> Destination not written because compiled files were empty.
    Running "compass:dist" (compass) task
    directory .tmp/styles/
       create .tmp/styles/login-reg.css (0.029s)
       create .tmp/styles/main.css (1.796s)
    Compilation took 1.83s
    Running "useminPrepare:html" (useminPrepare) task
    Going through app/index.html to update the config
    Looking for build script HTML comment blocks
    Found a block:
            <!-- build:css(.tmp) styles/main.css -->
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/login-reg.css">
            <!-- endbuild -->
    Updating config with the following assets:
        - .tmp'styles'main.css
        - .tmp'styles'login-reg.css
    Found a block:
            <!-- build:js scripts/vendor/modernizr.js -->
            <script src="bower_components/modernizr/modernizr.js"></script>
            <!-- endbuild -->
    Updating config with the following assets:
        - app'bower_components'modernizr'modernizr.js
    Found a block:
            <!-- build:js scripts/main.js -->
            <script data-main="scripts/main" src="bower_components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
            <!-- endbuild -->
    Updating config with the following assets:
        - dist'scripts'main.js
    Configuration is now:
      { dist:
       { files:
          { '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/main.css':
             [ '.tmp/styles/{,*/}*.css',
               'app/styles/{,*/}*.css' ] } },
      'dist''styles''main.css': 'dist''styles''main.css' }
      { 'dist''styles''main.css':
       [ '.tmp''styles''main.css',
         '.tmp''styles''login-reg.css' ],
      'dist''scripts''vendor''modernizr.js': [ 'app''bower_components''modernizr''modernizr.js' ],
      'dist''scripts''main.js': [ 'dist''scripts''main.js' ] }
      { 'dist''scripts''vendor''modernizr.js': 'dist''scripts''vendor''modernizr.js',
      'dist''scripts''main.js': 'dist''scripts''main.js',
      'dist''bower_components''requirejs''require.js': 'app''bower_components''requirejs''require.js' }
      { dist:
       { options:
          { baseUrl: 'app/scripts',
            optimize: 'none',
            paths: { templates: '../../.tmp/scripts/templates' },
            preserveLicenseComments: false,
            useStrict: true,
            wrap: true,
            name: 'main',
            out: 'dist''scripts''main.js',
            mainConfigFile: 'app''scripts''main.js' } } }
    Running "requirejs:dist" (requirejs) task
    >> Error: Error: Loader plugin did not call the load callback in the build: text
    >> Module loading did not complete for: main, app, router, views/users/register, text!/templates/unauthd/register.html,
    views/users/forgotpassword, text!/templates/unauthd/forgotpassword.html
    >> The following modules share the same URL. This could be a misconfiguration if that URL only has one anonymous module
    in it:
    >> undefined: text!/templates/unauthd/register.html, text!/templates/unauthd/forgotpassword.html
    >>     at (D:'...'node_modules'grunt-requirejs'node_modules'requirejs'bin'r.js:25510:19)
    Warning: Task "requirejs:dist" failed. Use --force to continue.
    Aborted due to warnings.
    Elapsed time
    loading tasks       2s
    jst:compile         24ms
    compass:dist        2s
    useminPrepare:html  63ms
    requirejs:dist      528ms
    Total               5s
    PS D:'...>

r.js 的 2.1.10 版改进了错误报告。你可能会发现,就像我一样,你的补充HTML文件(register.html和forgetgotpassword.html)没有像你想要的那样被复制到.tmp。我现在正在为此解决配置问题,但是让主干视图加载没有替换的 ejs 可能会更容易。