
Flip an image when a table cell is clicked, or the image itself is clicked

本文关键字:单击 图像 翻转 表格 单元格      更新时间:2023-09-26

如果单击单元格或单击图像本身,我正在尝试将箭头翻转 180 度。这是我的代码: 注意:要翻转的图像是第一行中ID为image1的图像。一旦我让第一个图像工作,我将翻转所有图像。

                <th style="text-align:left; padding-top: 20px;" width="10%" title="Sort by Symbol">Symbol <img src="/images/sort-arrow.jpg" title="Sort by Symbol" alt="Sort by Symbol" class="sort-right move-left bottom-image" id="image1"/></th>
                <th style="text-align:left;" width="20%" title="Sort by Company Name">Company<br><span class="move_right">Name</span> <img src="/images/sort-arrow.jpg" title="Sort by Company Name" alt="Sort by Company Name" class="sort-right move-left"/></th>
                <th style="text-align:center;" width="12%" title="Sort by Buy Date"><span class="center-text">Buy</span><br>Date <img title="Sort by Buy Date" src="/images/sort-arrow.jpg" alt="Sort by Buy Date"/></th>
                <th style="text-align:center;" width="10%" title="Sort by Buy Price"><span class="center-text">Buy</span><br>Price &nbsp;<img title="Sort by Buy Price" src="/images/sort-arrow.jpg" alt="Sort by Buy Price"/></th>
                <th style="text-align:center;" width="9%" title="Sort by Closed Price"><span class="center-text">Closed</span><br>Price &nbsp;<img title="Sort by Closed Price" src="/images/sort-arrow.jpg" alt="Sort by Closed Price"/></th>
                <th style="text-align:center;" width="9%" title="Sort by Closed Date"><span class="center-text">Closed</span><br>Date &nbsp;<img title="Sort by Closed Date" src="/images/sort-arrow.jpg" alt="Sort by Closed Date" /></th>
                <th style="text-align:center;" width="10%" title="Sort by Current Return"><span class="center-text">Total</span><br>Return &nbsp;<img title="Sort by Current Return" src="/images/sort-arrow.jpg" alt="Sort by Current Return"/></th>


    $("table .title a").tooltip({ bodyHandler: function(event) { return $($(this).attr("href")).html(); }, showURL: false, track: true, delay: 0 });
var value = 0
        click: function(){
            value +=180;
            $(this).rotate({ animateTo:value})

我正在使用jQuery Rotate插件


只是重申一下:如果单击图像,或者单击图像所在的单元格,则图像应进行 180 度翻转。


"th"中添加.rotate.click并防止在图像上传播1 .click像这样

var value = 0
$("th:first").click(function(){//you can add some class or id the first th or select only the first
    value +=180;
    $("#image1").rotate({ animateTo:value});//or $(this).find("img")
        click: function(e){
            e.stopPropagation();//or the image will rotate 360
            value +=180;
            $(this).rotate({ animateTo:value})
