
How to check if all numbers in an object are within a certain range?

本文关键字:是否 数字 范围内 何检查 检查 对象      更新时间:2023-09-26

我想在当前的JS/jQuery项目中包含的功能之一是允许用户导出和导入他们保存的数据。导入/导出数据只是通过 JSON.stringify 和 JSON.parse 运行的一个大对象,并且实现其基本版本运行良好,但我想验证导入的数据以确保它能够工作(这与其说是作为 JavaScript 工作,不如说是在我正在制定的游戏规则内工作)。



编辑:将对象粘贴到此处,目标是检查是否所有数字。有些需要介于 0 和 3 之间,有些需要在 0 到 9 之间。

"meta": {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Test",
    "concept": "test description"
"coreAttributes": {
    "Strength": 3,
    "Finesse": 1,
    "Perception": 9,
    "Stamina": 1,
    "Agility": 1,
    "Wits": 1,
    "Willpower": 1,
    "Charisma": 1,
    "Intelligence": 1
"skills": {
    "Toughness": ["Strength", "STR", 0],
    "Stealth": ["Finesse", "FIN", 0],
    "Alertness": ["Perception", "PER", 3],
    "Investigate": ["Perception", "PER", 0],
    "Athletics": ["Agility", "AGI", 0],
    "Drive": ["Wits", "WIT", 0],
    "Survival": ["Wits", "WIT", 0],
    "Guts": ["Willpower", "WIL", 4],
    "Hardware": ["Intelligence", "INT", 0],
    "Humanities": ["Intelligence", "INT", 0],
    "Medicine": ["Intelligence", "INT", 0],
    "Science": ["Intelligence", "INT", 0],
    "Software": ["Intelligence", "INT", 0],
    "Charm": ["Charisma", "CHA", 0],
    "Manipulate": ["Charisma", "CHA", 0]
"unrolledSkills": {
    "Contacts": 0,
    "Languages": 0,
    "Resources": 0
"combatSkills": {
    "Unarmed": ["Strength", "STR", 0],
    "Defense": ["Finesse", "FIN", 0],
    "Melee": ["Finesse", "FIN", 0],
    "Firearms": ["Perception", "PER", 0],
    "Ballistics": ["Perception", "PER", 0],
    "Initiative": ["Wits", "WIT", 0]
"attacks": {},
"status": {
    "currentEndurance": 4,
    "currentSpeed": 4,
    "currentEntanglement": 4,
    "body": {
        "upper": {
            "wounds": 0,
            "armor": ["", 0]
        "lower": {
            "wounds": 0,
            "armor": ["", 0]
        "main": {
            "wounds": 0,
            "armor": ["", 0]
        "off": {
            "wounds": 0,
            "armor": ["", 0]
        "legs": {
            "wounds": 0,
            "armor": ["", 0]
"styles": {
    "classes": {
        "Strength": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Finesse": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Perception": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Stamina": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Agility": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Wits": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Willpower": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Charisma": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
        "Intelligence": {
            "core": 0,
            "spec1": 0,
            "spec2": 0,
            "spec3": 0,
            "aux1": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux2": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
            "aux3": {
                "skill": false,
                "name": "",
                "value": 0
    "arcane": {
        "restoration": 0,
        "evocation": 0,
        "abjuration": 0,
        "sublimation": 0,
        "paradigm": 0,
        "telepathy": 0,
        "shift": 0,
        "electromagnetism": 0,
        "gravitonertia": 0,
        "chromodynamism": 0,
        "technology": 0
    "extension": {
        "avatar": 0,
        "proxy": 0,
        "permanence": 0
"addenda": {}



只需调用函数,例如checkObject(myStuff, 30, 60);传入对象、允许的最低数量和允许的最高数量

var myStuff = { "results": [
        "ACL": {
            "7UeILO5tC4": {
                "count": "45",
                "read": true
            "role:Leads": {
                "count": "12",
                "read": true,
                "write": true
        "createdAt": "2014-12-16T22:04:46.338Z",
        "finishDate": "12%2F16%2F2014",
        "finishTime": "16%3A4%3A44",
        "objectId": "tVldoxxdCB",
        "passFail": "Pass",
        "passingPercentage": "56",
        "passingPoints": "34",
        "questions": "21",
        "quizName": "Name",
        "quizType": "Flights",
        "teamMember": "Jame Fellows",
        "ttlPossiblePoints": "59",
        "updatedAt": "2014-12-16T22:04:46.338Z",
        "userName": "Jame.Fellows",
        "userPercentage": "95",
        "userPoints": "20",
        "userRightAnswers": "57"
        "ACL": {
            "7UeILO5tC4": {
                "count": "44",
                "read": true
            "role:Leads": {
                "count": "12",
                "read": true,
                "write": true
        "createdAt": "2014-12-16T22:04:46.338Z",
        "finishDate": "12%2F16%2F2014",
        "finishTime": "16%3A4%3A44",
        "objectId": "tVldoxxdCB",
        "passFail": "Pass",
        "passingPercentage": "90",
        "passingPoints": "87",
        "questions": "21",
        "quizName": "Name",
        "quizType": "Flights",
        "teamMember": "Jame Fellows",
        "ttlPossiblePoints": "79",
        "updatedAt": "2014-12-16T22:04:46.338Z",
        "userName": "Jame.Fellows",
        "userPercentage": "76",
        "userPoints": "20",
        "userRightAnswers": "45"
        "ACL": {
            "7UeILO5tC4": {
                "count": "45",
                "read": true
            "role:Leads": {
                "count": "12",
                "read": true,
                "write": true
        "createdAt": "2014-12-16T22:04:46.338Z",
        "finishDate": "12%2F16%2F2014",
        "finishTime": "16%3A4%3A44",
        "objectId": "tVldoxxdCB",
        "passFail": "Pass",
        "passingPercentage": "90",
        "passingPoints": "19",
        "questions": "21",
        "quizName": "Name",
        "quizType": "Flights",
        "teamMember": "Jame Fellows",
        "ttlPossiblePoints": "21",
        "updatedAt": "2014-12-16T22:04:46.338Z",
        "userName": "Jame.Fellows",
        "userPercentage": "95",
        "userPoints": "20",
        "userRightAnswers": "20"
] };
// track how many invalid numbers we find
var hasInvalidData=0;
// call our checkObject() function, pass it
// your object, your lowest allowed number, your highest allowed number
checkObject(myStuff, 30, 60);
if(hasInvalidData > 0){
  alert(hasInvalidData + ' invalid numbers were found')
function checkObject(object, low, high){
    // loop through each property of the object
    for (var property in object) {
        // make sure it's a real property and not inherited
        if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
             //get the value of the current property
             var value = object[property];
             // if this propery is itself an object, 
             // call this function recursively  
             if(typeof object[property] == "object" && typeof object[property] !== null){
               checkObject(object[property], low, high)
                // if it's not an object 
                // check if it a a number and not true or false 
                // which wihich isNaN sees as 1 and 0
                if( !isNaN(value) && typeof value != "boolean"){
                   if(value < low){
                     console.log('^ this value is too small ^');
                   if(value > high){
                     console.log('^ this value is too large ^');

下面的代码检查所有数字是否都大于或等于 2,并将在第一个不匹配的数字上返回 false。

var x = {
    b: 5,
    c: {
        d: 3,
        e: [1, 2, 3],
        f: function() {}
    g: function() {}
var recurse = function(a) {
    var s = true;
    for (prop in a) {
        switch (typeof a[prop]) {
            case "number":
                //Check for conditions here
                console.log("found number " + a[prop]);
                if (a[prop] < 2) {
                    return false;
            case "object":
                if (a[prop] !== null) {
                    s = s && recurse(a[prop]);
    return s;


var x = {
    b: 5,
    c: {
        d: 3,
        e: [1, 2, 3],
        f: function() {}
    g: function() {}
function check (obj) {
    var queue = [obj];
    while (queue.length > 0) {
        var current = queue.shift();
        for (var prop in current) {
            if (!current.hasOwnProperty(prop)) continue;
            switch (typeof(current[prop])) {
                case "number":
                    // check for conditions here
                    if (current[prop] < 2) {
                        return false;
                case "object":
                    if (current[prop] !== null) {
    return true;



function traverse(obj, callback, level) {
    for (var i in obj) {
        if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
        callback.apply(this, [i, obj[i], level||""]);  
        (obj[i] !== null && typeof(obj[i])=="object") && traverse(obj[i],callback,(level||"")+" ");
// it is called like this
traverse(obj, valueCheck); 
//obj  -  is your object as in your question
//valueCheck(key, val, level)  -  is your own function to check the value


function valueCheck(key, val, level) {
    // proceed to check only if the value is a number
    if (!isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && isFinite(val)) { 
        var isError = ! ((0 <= val) && (val <= 9));
        console.log(level + key + " : " + val + (isError && " ----------------------- VALUE ERROR" || ""));
    } else {
        // if it's a new object, print shiny "-" at the begining
        (typeof val == "object") && console.log(Array(1+level.length).join("-") + key);