
Javascript not running and just printing out entire code on a blank webpage

本文关键字:打印 网页 代码 空白 运行 Javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26

奇怪的是,我看不到任何语法错误。 我也是新手 JavaScript,但绝不是无能为力的。但是每当我运行我的代码时,我使用的任何浏览器都只是在空白网页上打印出我的整个代码,而不执行任何代码。我以前从未遇到过这个问题。由于代码未执行,我无法使用任何浏览器调试工具。


<script type="text/javascript">



以前有人遇到过这个问题吗? 我错过了什么吗

<script type="text/javascript">
var die1;           // the 3 dice
var die2;
var die3;
var username;   // users name
var bet  = 0;            // variable for the amount the user bets
var input;              // used to check the bet is a number
var credits = 100;          // users overall credits and starting amount
var round = 0;          // game rounds , will have a maximum of 10 rounds

username = window.prompt("Welcome to Triple Roll! Please enter your name");     // prompts                  the user to enter their name
gamestart;                      // calls the first function to start the game!

var rolldice = function()       // puts all 3 dice rolls into a function to be easily called.
die1 = Math.round(Math.random()*6);         // random number generators for the 3 dice
die2 = Math.round(Math.random()*6);         // dieX is an integer (round number) in the  range of 1 to 6
die3 = Math.round(Math.random()*6);

var gamestart = function()   // Using this function the game can be reset to starting values, The user is also asked if they would like to hear the rules
bet = 0;
credits = 100;
round = 0;
if (window.prompt("Hello" + username ", Do you wish to go over the the instructions?   Y/N ")) = "Yes" || "yes" || "y" || "Y"    // if the user says yes then show rules , else run the game
confirm(" This game has 10 rounds, at the beginning of the game you will start with 100 credits to bet with. For each round of the game you will bet on the outcome of 3 dice rolls each with numbers 1 through 6. continue?");
confirm(" For each round you may bet between 1 and 100 credits regardless of how many credits you actually have, though be warned if you lose and end up with 0 credits then its game over.");
confirm(" The value of all 3 dice will determine whether or not you win or lose credits, but don't worry , you will be able to see how many credits you have at any time");
confirm(" If the 3 die all show a 1 , then you will win 50 times your bet plus the original stake back, If the 3 die all show the same value other than 1 then you win 30 times your bet plus your original stake back");
confirm("If 2 die show the same value, then you win 8 times your bet plus your original bet. If you don't meet any of the requirements but the values of die add up to 15 or more, then you win 2 times your bet plus the original stake.");
confirm("If one of the die is a 6 or all 3 of the die are odd numbers, then you get your bet back and may try again. In all other situations you lose your bet");
game;   // call the game function 
 var game = function()
input = window.prompt("Round" + round ". You have" + credits "credits. Please enter a bet between 0-100"); // shows the user what round it is, how many credits they have and asks them to make a bet
bet = parseInt(input);          // checks the input is a number
 if (bet != 0-100);         // if the bet isn't between 0-100
    game;               // restart the function
else                        // else
    rolldice;           // call the roll dice function
confirm(" The Die rolls are" + die1 + die2 + die3);     // let user know what the dice values are
    winoutcomes;                // call the function that checks to see if the user has won





因此,将"作业 01.js"更改为"作业 01.html"




你在脚本中调用函数吗? 如果调用不带括号的函数,它将输出函数内的脚本。



function printHiThere(name) {
   document.write('Hi there, ' +  name);




Hi there, bob




function printHiThere(name) {
   document.write('Hi there, ' +  name);
