JavaScript 数组无法正确打印到控制台

javascript array not printing to console properly

本文关键字:打印 控制台 数组 JavaScript      更新时间:2023-09-26



    for ( var u in valuesArr ) {
        //store the text seperator between the information and the order it is associated with
        var sep = "?order_num=";
        //store the string from which the information and order number will be extracted
        var str = valuesArr[u];
        //location of seperator
        var start = str.indexOf("?order_num=");
        var order_number = str.substring(start+sep.length);
        var current_date = valuesArr[u].substring(0, start);
        //date goes into "current_date" array
        current_date = current_date.split(" / ");
        //fashion it into a javascript date
        //month needs one subtracted
        dateArray[u] = new Date ( current_date[2], current_date[0]-1, current_date[1]);
        *to identify from which order this date derives, an order_number slot is created
        *underneath the sorted date slot
        *this is done so that when the html is reformatted to re-order the dates
        *the content associated with this date can be 'brought along with' it
        *as the its parent div's id contains the order number
        dateArray[u]['order_number'] = order_number;
    console.log(dateArray)//only outputs the array of dates
    console.log(dateArray[1]['order_number']);//outputs the order number

你对dateArray[u]['order_number'] = order_number;所做的是向 Date 对象添加一个属性,而不是向数组添加一个元素。


dateArray[u][1] = order_number;


如果 Chrome 决定不在对象上显示自定义属性,则由 Chrome 决定。只要你的价值通过显式测试被证明存在,这才是最重要的。



console.dir 方法将为您提供可展开的对象,以便您可以向下钻取并查看自定义属性。

如果valuesArr是一个数组,那么使用for (... in ...)将失败,因为这会进行对象迭代,因此会抓取数组的许多其他元素,如lengthindexOf等。


for (var i = 0; i < valuesArr.length; i++) {
  // ...