
AngularJS chaining $http get requests

本文关键字:获取 请求 http 链接 AngularJS      更新时间:2023-09-26

新到角度。我正在尝试调用多个$http获取调用和第二个调用,具体取决于结果和解析的第一个 JSON 如下:

1) 执行一个 $http get 请求以获取带有 ["专辑 1"、"专辑 2"] 等元素数组的 JSON

2)遍历数组中的每个项目并执行不同的$http get请求以获取该专辑的曲目详细信息。


    var vm = this;
    vm.albums = init;
    vm.albums.tracks = albumTracks;
    vm.newFunction = newFunction;
    return init();
    return albumTracks ();
    function init(){
            // Parse the json data here and display it in the UI
            vm.albums = responseData;
            $log.debug(angular.toJson(responseData, true));
        // For every album, do another get call in the function albumTracks
            for(var i=0; i<vm.albums.length; i++){
                vm.albums.tracks = [];
                console.log(vm.albums.tracks);  // This prints on the console as [undefined]
            return vm.albums;
    function albumTracks(album){
            //parse each album and get the track list
            vm.albums.tracks = trackResponse;
            return vm.albums.tracks;

以下是每个 JSON 响应的外观:

"fileName": "twilight-of-the-ghosts-twilight-of-the-ghosts-01-pinned-to-the-mattress.flac",
"title": "Pinned to the Mattress",
"artists": "Twilight of the Ghosts",
"album": "Twilight of the Ghosts",
"sequenceNumber": 1,
"trackLength": 274
"fileName": "twilight-of-the-ghosts-twilight-of-the-ghosts-02-sinking-slowly-slowly-sinking.flac",
"title": "Sinking Slowly Slowly Sinking",
"artists": "Twilight of the Ghosts",
"album": "Twilight of the Ghosts",
"sequenceNumber": 2,
"trackLength": 270
and so on


vm.album.tracks = vm.album.tracks.concat(trackResponse);


vm.albums = => ({name: album, tracks: []}));


album.tracks = trackResponse;

console.log s 在您拥有它们的地方不起作用$http因为它是异步的

let a = "a";
$http.get(() => a = "b");
console.log(a); // logs "a" even though it was written after `a = "b"`

这意味着,如果您依赖于$http请求的响应,则必须在请求的回调中执行该工作。但是,在这种情况下,您可能不需要这样做,因为由于 Angular 的工作方式,更新vm应该自动更新您的模板。

根据我的知识,您可能需要角度循环而不是"for"循环 您可以在其中附加跟踪器而无需更多编码和混乱。

vm.albumsWithTrackers = []; // New Variable Defining needed.
//http://localhost:8080/api/albums/: // it is fine Json but with some define attributes it looks good 
      //  Albums With attributes Defined :- 
        angular.forEach(vm.albums, function (album, key) {
                    album.tracks.push(albumTracks(album));  // attaching only trackers to current album on loop 
                    vm.albumsWithTrackers.push(album); // pushing Album to new defined variable
               console.log(vm.albumsWithTrackers);//album with attached trackers.
            return vm.albumsWithTrackers;
    function albumTracks(album){
                 return trackResponse; //send trackers response directly
