为什么我的 JavaScript 实例返回相同的内容

Why does my JavaScript instances return the same?

本文关键字:返回 我的 JavaScript 实例 为什么      更新时间:2023-09-26


//this is one other way of creating a Constructor function
var myObjectConstructor = function(){
    this.myProperty = '';
    init = function(str) {
       this.myProperty = str;
    getProperty = function() {
       return this.myProperty;
    return {
        init: function () {
            return init.apply(self, arguments);
        getProperty: function () {
            return getProperty.apply(self, arguments);
//instantiate our Constructor
var constructorOne = new myObjectConstructor();
//change myProperty of the first instance
constructorOne.init('this is property one');
//instantiate a second instance of our Constructor
var constructorTwo = new myObjectConstructor();
constructorTwo.init('this is property two');


alert(constructorOne.getProperty()); //this will alert 'this is property two'
alert(constructorTwo.getProperty()); //this will still alert 'this is property two'



self undefined,所以在init函数中,thiswindow的,所以你总是在修改同一对象的属性。


function MyObjectConstructor(){
    this.myProperty = '';
MyObjectConstructor.prototype.init = function(str) {
       this.myProperty = str;
MyObjectConstructor.prototype.getProperty = function() {
       return this.myProperty;
//instantiate our Constructor
var constructorOne = new MyObjectConstructor();
//change myProperty of the first instance
constructorOne.init('this is property one');
//instantiate a second instance of our Constructor
var constructorTwo = new MyObjectConstructor();
constructorTwo.init('this is property two');
//alert current myProperty of constructorOne instance
 //alert current myProperty of constructorTwo instance

function myModule (){
  var myProperty = '';
  return {
    init: function (str) {
       myProperty = str;
    getProperty: function () {
      return myProperty;
//instantiate our Constructor
var constructorOne = myModule();
//change myProperty of the first instance
constructorOne.init('this is property one');
//instantiate a second instance of our Constructor
var constructorTwo = myModule();
constructorTwo.init('this is property two');
//alert current myProperty of constructorOne instance
 //alert current myProperty of constructorTwo instance


function MyObjectConstructor() {
    this.property = '';
MyObjectConstructor.prototype.init = function(newProperty) {
    this.property = newProperty;
MyObjectConstructor.prototype.getProperty = function() {
    return this.property;