如何 JSDoc 嵌套对象的方法

How do I JSDoc A Nested Object's Methods?

本文关键字:方法 对象 嵌套 JSDoc 如何      更新时间:2023-09-26

我一直在尝试使用 JSDoc3 在文件上生成文档,但我遇到了一些困难。 该文件(这是一个 Require.js 模块(基本上看起来像这样:

define([], function() {
     * @exports mystuff/foo
    var foo = {
         * @member
        bar: {
             * @method
            baz: function() { /*...*/ }
    return foo;

问题是,我无法baz显示在生成的文档中。 相反,我只得到一个foo/foo模块的文档文件,其中列出了一个bar成员,但bar没有baz(只是一个指向foo源代码的链接(。

我尝试将bar的指令更改为@property,并尝试将baz的指令更改为@member@property,但这些都无济于事。 无论我做什么,巴兹似乎都不想露面。

有谁知道我可以使用什么指令结构来让 baz 出现在生成的文档中?

附言我尝试在 JSDoc 站点上阅读这样的页面 http://usejsdoc.org/howto-commonjs-modules.html,但它只描述了foo.bar的情况,而不是foo.bar.baz


define([], function() {
     * A test module foo
     * @version 1.0
     * @exports mystuff/foo
     * @namespace foo
    var foo = {
         * A method in first level, just for test
         * @memberof foo
         * @method testFirstLvl
        testFirstLvl: function(msg) {},
         * Test child object with child namespace
         * @memberof foo
         * @type {object}
         * @namespace foo.bar
        bar: {
             * A Test Inner method in child namespace
             * @memberof foo.bar
             * @method baz
            baz: function() { /*...*/ }
         * Test child object without namespace
         * @memberof foo
         * @type {object}
         * @property {method} baz2 A child method as property defination
        bar2: {
             * A Test Inner method
             * @memberof foo.bar2
             * @method baz2
            baz2: function() { /*...*/ }
         * Test child object with namespace and property def.
         * @memberof foo
         * @type {object}
         * @namespace foo.bar3
         * @property {method} baz3 A child method as property defination
        bar3: {
             * A Test Inner method in child namespace
             * @memberof foo.bar3
             * @method baz3
            baz3: function() { /*...*/ }
         * Test child object
         * @memberof foo
         * @type {object}
         * @property {method} baz4 A child method
        bar4: {
             * The @alias and @memberof! tags force JSDoc to document the
             * property as `bar4.baz4` (rather than `baz4`) and to be a member of
             * `Data#`. You can link to the property as {@link foo#bar4.baz4}.
             * @alias bar4.baz4
             * @memberof! foo#
             * @method bar4.baz4
            baz4: function() { /*...*/ }
    return foo;


没有那个丑陋的属性表的 bar4。 即@property从 bar4 中删除。

define([], function() {
     * A test module foo
     * @version 1.0
     * @exports mystuff/foo
     * @namespace foo
    var foo = {
         * A method in first level, just for test
         * @memberof foo
         * @method testFirstLvl
        testFirstLvl: function(msg) {},
         * Test child object
         * @memberof foo
         * @type {object}
        bar4: {
             * The @alias and @memberof! tags force JSDoc to document the
             * property as `bar4.baz4` (rather than `baz4`) and to be a member of
             * `Data#`. You can link to the property as {@link foo#bar4.baz4}.
             * @alias bar4.baz4
             * @memberof! foo#
             * @method bar4.baz4
            baz4: function() { /*...*/ },
             * @memberof! for a memeber
             * @alias bar4.test
             * @memberof! foo#
             * @member bar4.test
             test : true
    return foo;


  1. 关于嵌套命名空间的另一个问题
  2. 对于使用命名空间的替代方法
  3. 记录文本对象



 * @module mystuff/foo
 * @version 1.0
define([], function() {
/** @lends module:mystuff/foo */
var foo = {
     * A method in first level, just for test
    testFirstLvl: function(msg) {},
     * @namespace
    bar4: {
         * This is the description for baz4.
        baz4: function() { /*...*/ },
         * This is the description for test.
        test : true
return foo;

请注意,jsdoc 可以推断出baz4.baz4test的类型,而不必说@method和@member。

至于让 jsdoc3 将类和命名空间的文档与定义它们的模块放在同一页面上,我不知道该怎么做。

我已经使用 jsdoc3 几个月了,用它记录了一个小型库和一个大型应用程序。我更喜欢在某些方面屈服于 jsdoc3 的意愿,而不是必须键入大量 @-指令来屈服于我的意愿。

不能直接记录嵌套函数。我不喜欢 Prongs 解决方案,所以我使用了没有命名空间的不同实现(它是 JS,而不是 Java!


我更新了我的答案以反映 OP 给出的确切用例(这是公平的,因为 JSdoc 使用起来非常痛苦(。以下是它的工作原理:

/** @module foobar */
/** @function */
function foobarbaz() {
     * You can't document properties inside a function as members, like you
     * can for classes. In Javascript, functions are first-class objects. The
     * workaround is to make it a @memberof it's closest parent (the module).
     * manually linking it to the function using (see: {@link ...}), and giving
     * it a @name.
     * Foo object (see: {@link module:foobar~foobarbaz})
     * @name foo
     * @inner
     * @private
     * @memberof module:foobar
     * @property {Object} foo - The foo object
     * @property {Object} foo.bar - The bar object
     * @property {function} foo.bar.baz - The baz function
    var foo = {
         * You can follow the same steps that was done for foo, with bar. Or if the
         * @property description of foo.bar is enough, leave this alone. 
        bar: {
             * Like the limitation with the foo object, you can only document members 
             * of @classes. Here I used the same technique as foo, except with baz.
             * Baz function (see: {@link module:foobar~foo})
             * @function
             * @memberof module:foobar
             * @returns {string} Some string
            baz: function() { /*...*/ }
    return foo;


/** @function */
function hello() {
  /** @member {Object} */
  var hi = {};


/** @class */
function Hello() {
  /** @member {Object} */
  var hi = {};


我认为我们真的需要找到一个更好的文档解决方案。我什至在文档中看到了有关如何显示类型的不一致之处(例如 {object} vs {Object} (。


只是为了稍微改进 Prongs 对 JSDoc3 的回答,只有当我使用 @instance 注释代替@member时,我才能让它工作。

ES6 示例代码如下:

class Test
     * @param {object} something
        this.somethingElse = something;
         * This sub-object contains all sub-class functionality.
         * @type {object}
        this.topology = {
             * Informative comment here!
             * @alias topology.toJSON
             * @memberof! Test#
             * @instance topology.toJSON
             * @returns {object} JSON object
                return deepclone(privatesMap.get(this).innerJSON);
