如何在 ng-repeat中启动每个函数

How to initiate forEach function inside ng-repeat

本文关键字:函数 启动 ng-repeat      更新时间:2023-09-26

我想在ng-repeat上运行一个函数,该函数在我的JSON中获取Qprogress对象的值并将其转换为百分比。我正确编写了函数,但我不知道如何启动它。我试图将其包装在作用域内的 forEach 中,然后将作用域用作我要修改的元素的 ng-model,但它不起作用。这是 HTML:

<tr ng-repeat="item in clients" progressCalc>
        <a href="#/details/{{clients.indexOf(item)}}" title="Link to {{item.FirstName}} {{item.LastName}}" class="oly-open">{{item.FirstName}} {{item.LastName}}</a>
    <td ng-hide="item.Progress == 'In Progress'" ng-class="{ 'status-success': item.Progress == 'Questionnaire Completed', 'status-error': item.Progress == 'Unsent'}">
    <td ng-if="item.Progress == 'In Progress'" ng-model="progressCalc" class="status-info percent">
    <td width="10%">
        <a href="#/reports/" title{{$index + 1}}="Reports" ng-show="{{item.Progress == 'Questionnaire Completed'}}">
            <span class="stat-icon-report"></span>
        <a href="#/sends/{{$index + 1}}" title="Alert" ng-show="{{item.Progress == 'Unsent'}}">
            <span class="stat-icon-bullhorn"></span>
        <a href="#/progress/{{$index + 1}}" title="In Progress" ng-show="{{item.Progress == 'In Progress'}}">
            <span class="stat-icon-phone"></span>


myApp.controller('clientStatus', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
    $http.get('assets/js/lib/angular/clientList.json').success(function(data) {
        $scope.clients = data;
        $scope.progressCalc = function() {
            angular.forEach(function(item) {
                var m = 0.26664;
                var s = 0.26664;
                var i = 0.694375;
                var t = item.Qprogress;
                t = t.replace(/m/g,'');
                t = t.replace(/s/g,'');
                t = t.replace(/i/g,'');
                var ta = t.split("/");
                var tTotal = (ta[0] * m) + (ta[1] * s) + (ta[2] * i);
                tTotal = Math.round(tTotal);
                $('.percent').append(tTotal + '%');

以及一段 JSON 格式:

"FirstName": "Bill",
"LastName": "Johnson",
"Company": "Texas Instruments",
"CompanyId": "2345672",
"ClientId": "EFTGE6",
"Title": "CIO",
"Phone": "555-555-5555",
"ClientSystemStatus": "Active",
"CreationDate": "06/03/2015, 10:35:59 am",
"Progress": "In Progress",
"Qprogress": "m125/s40/i0",
"Email": "bjohson@ti.com"




$http.get('assets/js/lib/angular/clientList.json').success(function(data) {
    $scope.clients = data;
$scope.progressCalc = function(item) {
    var m = 0.26664;
    var s = 0.26664;
    var i = 0.694375;
    var t = item.Qprogress;
    t = t.replace(/m/g,'');
    t = t.replace(/s/g,'');
    t = t.replace(/i/g,'');
    var ta = t.split("/");
    var tTotal = (ta[0] * m) + (ta[1] * s) + (ta[2] * i);
    tTotal = Math.round(tTotal);
    return tTotal + '%';



<tr ng-repeat="item in clients">
        <a href="#/details/{{clients.indexOf(item)}}" title="Link to {{item.FirstName}} {{item.LastName}}" class="oly-open">{{item.FirstName}} {{item.LastName}}</a>
    <td ng-hide="item.Progress == 'In Progress'" ng-class="{ 'status-success': item.Progress == 'Questionnaire Completed', 'status-error': item.Progress == 'Unsent'}">
    <td ng-if="item.Progress == 'In Progress'" class="status-info percent">
        {{item.Qprogress}} {{progressCalc(item)}}
    <td width="10%">
        <a href="#/reports/" title{{$index + 1}}="Reports" ng-show="{{item.Progress == 'Questionnaire Completed'}}">
            <span class="stat-icon-report"></span>
        <a href="#/sends/{{$index + 1}}" title="Alert" ng-show="{{item.Progress == 'Unsent'}}">
            <span class="stat-icon-bullhorn"></span>
        <a href="#/progress/{{$index + 1}}" title="In Progress" ng-show="{{item.Progress == 'In Progress'}}">
            <span class="stat-icon-phone"></span>



$http.get('assets/js/lib/angular/clientList.json').success(function (data) {
    $scope.clients = data;
    $scope.clients.forEach(function(client) {
         //your calculations here.
