
Can I assume that error in a promise will bubble to new Promise and catch that?

本文关键字:承诺 错误 是否 假设 误会      更新时间:2023-09-26




 var _self = this;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      _self.get(url, redisClient).then(function getCacheFunc(cacheResponse) {
        if(cacheResponse) {
          return resolve(JSON.parse(cacheResponse));
        webCrawl(url).then(function webCrawl(crawlResults) {
          _self.set(url, JSON.stringify(crawlResults), redisClient);
          return resolve(crawlResults);
        }).catch(function catchFunc(error) {
          return reject(error); // can I delete this catch
      }).catch(function getCacheErrorFunc(cacheError) {
        return reject(cacheError); // and let this catch handle everything?

是的,对于深度嵌套的承诺,可以有一个.catch(...)。 诀窍:你可以用另一个承诺来解决一个承诺。 这意味着您可以重构代码以:

var _self = this;
_self.get(url, redisClient)
  .then(function(cacheResponse) {
    if(cacheResponse) {
      // Resolve the Promise with a value
      return JSON.parse(cacheResponse);
    // Resolve the Promise with a Promise
    return webCrawl(url)
      .then(function(crawlResults) {
        _self.set(url, JSON.stringify(crawlResults), redisClient);
        // Resolve the Promise with a value
        return crawlResults;
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.log("Caught error: " + err);

注意:我还删除了您最外层的承诺声明。 这不再是必需的,因为_self.get(...)已经返回了一个承诺。


 var _self = this;
 return _self.get(url, redisClient).then(function(cacheResponse) {
   if (cacheResponse) {
     return JSON.parse(cacheResponse);
   } else {
     return webCrawl(url).then(function(crawlResults) {
       _self.set(url, JSON.stringify(crawlResults), redisClient);
       return crawlResults;
