卡图.js如何通过路径 ID 获取元素

kartograph.js How to get element by path id?

本文关键字:ID 获取 元素 路径 何通过 js 卡图      更新时间:2023-09-26


    var previd=0;
var prevpath;

function mapLoaded(map) {
  map.addLayer('mylayer', {
  tooltips: function(d) {
    return [d.watershedname,"area: "+d.area];

  styles: {
        stroke: '#aaa',
        fill: '#f6f4f2'
click: function(d, path) {
        // @path is a Raphael.element, do with it whatever you like
        // @d holds the data attached to each path
    //retrieve and set text to other div
    $("#infoarea").text(numberWithCommas(Math.floor(d.area))+" hectares");
    //highlight the selected path
    path.attr('fill', 'red');

    //i'm trying to get the previous path by id here
    //so i can remove the previous highlight
    //doesn't work
    prevpath =mylayer.getById(previd);
    //set the new id for later access
});//end of add layer

 }//end of mapLoaded

II 得到 ID,我使用了 Layer.getPaths({column:value});

    var templayer = map.getLayer('mylayer').getPaths({watershedname:selected});
    templayer.forEach(function(entry) {