如果我使用 setAttribute,MutationObserver 会挂起

MutationObserver hangs if I use setAttribute

本文关键字:MutationObserver 挂起 setAttribute 如果      更新时间:2023-09-26



问题在代码块的中间提到:如果我使用 setAttribute,脚本将被挂起。

第一种方法(使用 style.attributeName )不适合我,因为在我的实际代码中,我使用自定义属性,而不是 background-color


<div role="listitem"></div>
<div role="listitem"></div>
<div role="listitem"></div>
var target = document.querySelectorAll("[role='listitem']");
for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
    // create an observer instance
    var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
        mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {

            // The Problem
            // ===========
            // This work well
            mutation.target.style.backgroundColor = "red";
            // But this doesn't
            // mutation.target.setAttribute("style", "background-color: red;");
    // configuration of the observer
    var config = { attributes: true };
    // pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
    observer.observe(target[i], config);



if (mutation.target.getAttribute("yourattr") != targetvalue) {
    mutation.target.setAttribute("yourattr", targetvalue);

我已经检查过将属性设置为相同值是否会再次触发观察者(无论如何,在 Chrome 上):

var target = document.getElementById("target");
var counter = 0;
var observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
    console.log(Date.now() + ": " + counter);
    if (counter < 10) {
        console.log("Inside handler: Setting data-foo to bar");
        target.setAttribute("data-foo", "bar");
    } else {
        console.log("Inside handler: Stopped, to avoid looping forever");
observer.observe(target, {attributes: true});
console.log("Initial change: Setting data-something-else to testing");
target.setAttribute("data-something-else", "testing");
<div id="target"></div>


var target = document.getElementById("target");
var observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
    console.log(Date.now() + ": In handler");
    if (target.getAttribute("data-foo") != "bar") {
        console.log("Inside handler: Setting data-foo to bar");
        target.setAttribute("data-foo", "bar");
    } else {
        console.log("Inside handler: No need to set it, it's already set");
observer.observe(target, {attributes: true});
console.log("Initial change: Setting data-something-else to testing");
target.setAttribute("data-something-else", "testing");
<div id="target"></div>

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