Google Web Map 复选框在 Firefox 和 Chrome 中有效,但在 IE 中不起作用

Google Web Map checkboxes work in Firefox & Chrome, but do not function in IE

本文关键字:有效 但在 不起作用 IE Chrome Map Web 复选框 Firefox Google      更新时间:2023-09-26

我的谷歌地图网站在Firefox和Chrome中运行良好,但是复选框功能在IE中不起作用。有人可以告诉我为什么,我需要尽快部署这个并且 IE 出现问题。我的客户端使用 IE 8。感谢您的帮助。

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet  -->    
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="included.css">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
        <Title>Web Map Tool</Title>
    <script src=""></script>
              alert("Something went wrong - talk to your developer!!!");
        <div data-role="page"> 
    <div data-role="header"> 
      <h1>Google map Web Viewer Tool</h1>   
    </div><!-- /header -->
        <script type="text/javascript"
    var map;                //this is the reference to your map
    var markersArray = [];  //this is an array holding the markers plotted on the map
    var infoWindow;         //this is the reference to a reuseable InfoWindow
    // harcoded places
    // on the form [name, lat, lng, category, content] 
    var places = [ 
        ['Group1', 47.364237, -92.690690, 3, '<h2>Group (-11)</h2>'], 
        ['Group2', 43.711833, -95.719528, 1, '<h2>Group (4)</h2>'], 
        ['Group3', 44.947385, -92.854821, 2, '<h2>Group (12)</h2>'], 
        ['Group4', 45.899306, -91.521083, 4, '<h2>Group (-4)</h2>'], 
        ['Group5', 45.223620, -91.127480, 1, '<h2>Group (3)</h2>'], 
        ['Group6', 46.448371, -90.166895, 2, '<h2>Group (7)</h2>'], 
        ['Group7', 40.471315, -107.580322, 2, '<h2>Group (1)</h2>'], 
        ['Group8', 38.208628, -104.574672, 1, '<h2>Group (5)</h2>'], 
        ['Group9', 39.623084, -104.452554, 2, '<h2>Group (10)</h2>'], 
        ['Group10', 33.186694, -101.407897, 3, '<h2>Group (-6)</h2>'], 
        ['Group11', 32.210741, -103.262702, 1, '<h2>Group (6)</h2>'], 
        ['Group12', 33.991050, -103.858130, 2, '<h2>Group (11)</h2>'], 

    //just for fun, different icons for each category
    //I thought you may wanted to show different icons
    //here just some of the "official" google marker icons
    var icons = [
        '', //Red
        '', //Yellow
        '', //Green
        '', //Blue
    // center map in middle of Nebraska
    var mapCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(40.658014, -99.439275);
    //create the map
    function createMap() {
        map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
            center: mapCenter,
            zoom: 5,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
            zoomControl: true,
            streetViewControl: true,
            zoomControlOptions: {
                style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.LARGE
        //create a global infowindow to show content
        //set a maxwidth of 300 pixel
        infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
            maxWidth: 300,
            map: map
    function initMarkers() {
        for (var i=0; i<places.length; i++) {
            var place=places[i];
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng(place[1], place[2],place[3]),
                map: map,
                //set icon, category as icons index 
                //outcomment this line if you just want to show the defuult icon
                icon : icons[place[3]],
                //add data from places to the marker
                title : place[0],
                category: place[3],
                content: place[4]

            //add the marker to the markersArray, used to hide/show markers
            //create a click event that shows the infowindow when a marker is clicked
            //the infowindow get latlng and content from the marker
            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
    //show / hide markers based on category
    //if category is 0, show all markers
    function showMarkersByCategory(category) {
        for (var i=0; i<markersArray.length; i++) {
            if ((category==0) || (markersArray[i].category==category)) {
    function initialize() {
    //init the select box where you show/hide the markers per category
        var checkbox=document.getElementById('checkbox');
        checkbox.onclick = function() {
            for (var i=0; i<markersArray.length; i++) {
        var checkedBoxes = $('#checkbox > input:checkbox:checked');
            for (var i = 0; i < checkedBoxes.length; i++){
            var category = checkedBoxes[i].value;
    google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
    <div id="map" style="width:100%;height:800px;float:left;clear:none;"></div>
    <div style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 20px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;">   
            <form id="checkbox">
            <input type="checkbox" name="group1" value="1"><b>Group 1</b>&nbsp
            <input type="checkbox" name="group2" value="2"><b>Group 2</b>&nbsp
            <input type="checkbox" name="group3" value="3"><b>Group 3</b>&nbsp
            <input type="checkbox" name="group4" value="4"><b>Group 4</b>&nbsp&nbsp

代码中有"挂起"逗号(数组最后一个条目后的逗号)。 这会导致旧版本的IE出现问题(它们向数组添加额外的空条目)。 删除它们。


var places = [ 
        ['Group1', 47.364237, -92.690690, 3, '<h2>Group (-11)</h2>'], 
        ['Group2', 43.711833, -95.719528, 1, '<h2>Group (4)</h2>'], 
        ['Group3', 44.947385, -92.854821, 2, '<h2>Group (12)</h2>'], 
        ['Group4', 45.899306, -91.521083, 4, '<h2>Group (-4)</h2>'], 
        ['Group5', 45.223620, -91.127480, 1, '<h2>Group (3)</h2>'], 
        ['Group6', 46.448371, -90.166895, 2, '<h2>Group (7)</h2>'], 
        ['Group7', 40.471315, -107.580322, 2, '<h2>Group (1)</h2>'], 
        ['Group8', 38.208628, -104.574672, 1, '<h2>Group (5)</h2>'], 
        ['Group9', 39.623084, -104.452554, 2, '<h2>Group (10)</h2>'], 
        ['Group10', 33.186694, -101.407897, 3, '<h2>Group (-6)</h2>'], 
        ['Group11', 32.210741, -103.262702, 1, '<h2>Group (6)</h2>'], 
        ['Group12', 33.991050, -103.858130, 2, '<h2>Group (11)</h2>'], // <<-- remove comma here 


var places = [ 
        ['Group1', 47.364237, -92.690690, 3, '<h2>Group (-11)</h2>'], 
        ['Group2', 43.711833, -95.719528, 1, '<h2>Group (4)</h2>'], 
        ['Group3', 44.947385, -92.854821, 2, '<h2>Group (12)</h2>'], 
        ['Group4', 45.899306, -91.521083, 4, '<h2>Group (-4)</h2>'], 
        ['Group5', 45.223620, -91.127480, 1, '<h2>Group (3)</h2>'], 
        ['Group6', 46.448371, -90.166895, 2, '<h2>Group (7)</h2>'], 
        ['Group7', 40.471315, -107.580322, 2, '<h2>Group (1)</h2>'], 
        ['Group8', 38.208628, -104.574672, 1, '<h2>Group (5)</h2>'], 
        ['Group9', 39.623084, -104.452554, 2, '<h2>Group (10)</h2>'], 
        ['Group10', 33.186694, -101.407897, 3, '<h2>Group (-6)</h2>'], 
        ['Group11', 32.210741, -103.262702, 1, '<h2>Group (6)</h2>'], 
        ['Group12', 33.991050, -103.858130, 2, '<h2>Group (11)</h2>'] // <<-- remove comma here