在使用Javascript / Asp.net 上传之前获取文件高度宽度

Get file height width before uploading using Javascript / Asp.net

本文关键字:获取 文件 高度 Javascript net Asp      更新时间:2023-09-26


FileUpload 控件的 OnChange() 事件上,执行 JavaScript 函数

<asp:FileUpload ID="fUpload" runat="server" Style="visibility: hidden;width:1px" onchange="callme(this)"/>


function callme(oFile) {
    document.getElementById('<%=txtFilePath.ClientID%>').value = oFile.value;

ReadImage 函数应读取文件并告诉所选文件的高度宽度和大小,如果文件不是图像,则显示错误消息。

function ReadImage(_file) 
    var reader = new FileReader();
    var image = new Image();

    image.src = 'file://' + _file;              
    image.onload = function() {
            alert('Step 2');
            var w = this.width,
                h = this.height,
                t = file.type,                           
                n = file.name,
                s = ~ ~(_file.size / 1024) + 'KB';

            alert('<img src="' + this.src + '"> ' + w + 'x' + h + ' ' + s + ' ' + t + ' ' + n + '<br>');
        image.onerror= function() 
            alert('Invalid file type: '+ _file.type);

在上传到服务器之前,ReadImage() 函数应该读取所选文件并获取该文件的高度、宽度和大小。


function callme(oFile) 
    document.getElementById('<%=txtFilePath.ClientID%>').value = oFile.value;
function ReadImage(_file) {
    var fr = new FileReader;
    fr.onload = function () { // file is loaded
        var img = new Image;
        img.onload = function () {
            alert('Step 2');
            var w = img.width;
            var h = img.height;
            alert('<img src="' + fr.result + '"> ' + w + 'x' + h + '<br>'); // is the data URL because called with readAsDataURL
        img.onerror = function () {
            alert('Invalid file type');
       img.src = fr.result; // is the data URL because called with readAsDataURL
    fr.readAsDataURL(_file.files[0]); // for using a <input type="file">

我问题的其余部分 - "上传前获取文件大小"


 function checkFile(fieldObj) {
    var FileName = fieldObj.value;
    var FileExt = FileName.substr(FileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
    var FileSize = fieldObj.files[0].size;
    var FileSizeMB = (FileSize / 10485760).toFixed(2);

    if ((FileExt != "png" && FileExt != "doc" && FileExt != "bmp" && FileExt != "dib" && FileExt != "JPG" && FileExt != "jpeg" && FileExt != "jpe" && FileExt != "jfif" && FileExt != "gif" && FileExt != "tiff" && FileExt != "tif" && FileExt != "tga") || FileSize > 10485760) {
        var error = "File type : " + FileExt + "'n'n";
        error += "Size: " + FileSizeMB + " MB 'n'n";
        error += "Please make sure your file is in pdf or doc format and less than 10 MB.'n'n";
        return false;
    return true;

您是否尝试过没有image.src = 'file://' + _file;

var img = new Image;
img.onload = function() {
img.onerror = function() {
img.src = oFile.value;