Jquery 鼠标悬停与 setTimeout() 和淡入/淡出问题

Jquery mouseover with setTimeout() and fadeIn/fadeOut issues

本文关键字:淡入 淡出 出问题 鼠标 悬停 setTimeout Jquery      更新时间:2023-09-26

我这里有 2 个问题:



    var photo_timers  = new Array;
    var photo  = new Array;  
    var base_url  = 'http://www.example.com'; 
    function changeThumb( id, url )
      document.getElementById(id).src = url;
$("img[id*='album_slideshow_']").live('mouseover', function() {
    var image_id    = $(this).attr("id");
    var id_split    = image_id.split('_');
    var album_id    = id_split[2];      
    $.post(base_url + '/ajax_rotate_album_photos.php', { album_id: album_id },
    function(response) {                       
      if(response.count > 0) {
        for(var i=0; i < response.pid.length; i++) {
          var photo_src = base_url + '/images/picturethumbs/' + response.pid[i].id + '-1.jpg';
          photo[i] = new Image();
          photo[i].src = photo_src;                                                                     
        for(var i=0; i < response.pid.length; i++) {
          var photo_src = base_url + '/images/picturethumbs/' + response.pid[i].id + '-1.jpg';                             
          photo_timers[i] = setTimeout("changeThumb('" + image_id + "','" + photo_src + "')", i*100*10);                                                        
    }, "json");
}).live('mouseout', function() {
    var image_id    = $(this).attr("id");
    var id_split    = image_id.split('_');
    var album_id    = id_split[2];
    $.post(base_url + '/ajax_rotate_album_photos.php', { album_id: album_id },
    function(response) {                       
      if(response.count > 0) {
        for(var i=0; i < response.pid.length; i++) {
          if( typeof photo_timers[i] == "number" ) {
    }, "json");
  $(this).attr('src', base_url + '/images/albums/' + album_id + '.jpg');                                                    

在 setTimeout 中设置整个 for 循环

var loopTimer; //global variable
if(response.count > 0) {
loopTimer = setTimeout((function(){
        for(var i=0; i < response.pid.length; i++) {
          var photo_src = base_url + '/images/picturethumbs/' + response.pid[i].id + '-1.jpg';
          photo[i] = new Image();
          photo[i].src = photo_src;                                                                     
        for(var i=0; i < response.pid.length; i++) {
          var photo_src = base_url + '/images/picturethumbs/' + response.pid[i].id + '-1.jpg';                             
          photo_timers[i] = setTimeout("changeThumb('" + image_id + "','" + photo_src + "')", i*100*10);                                                        


if(response.count > 0) {
        for(var i=0; i < response.pid.length; i++) {
          if( typeof photo_timers[i] == "number" ) {