chrome.serial.connect 回调范围问题

chrome.serial.connect callback scope issues

本文关键字:范围 问题 回调 connect serial chrome      更新时间:2023-09-26


service = {};
service.state = "disconnected";
service.connect = function(){
    chrome.serial.connect(service.config.port, options, function (connectionInfo) {
        console.log("Connected"); // This works
        service.state = 'connected'; // This doesn't change the variable
        this.state = 'connected'; // This also doesn't change it


service = {};
service.state = "disconnected";
service.connect = function() {
    chrome.serial.connect(this.config.port, options, function (connectionInfo) {
        console.log("Connected"); // This works
        this.state = 'connected';


service = {};
service.state = "disconnected";
service.connect = function(){
    var scope = this;
    chrome.serial.connect(service.config.port, options, function (connectionInfo) {
        console.log("Connected"); // This works
        service.state = 'connected'; // This doesn't change the variable
        this.state = 'connected'; // This also doesn't change it
        scope.state = 'connected'; // This works!